
I remembered you while the blacksmith struck his chains

ذكرتك والحداد يضرب قيده

1. I remembered you while the blacksmith struck his chains
On the shin from a branch that brought shoes.

١. ذَكَرتُكِ وَالحَدَّادُ يَضرِبُ قَيدَهُ
عَلَى السّاقِ مِن عَو جاءَ بادٍ كُعوبُهَا

2. So I said to the guardian of the prison, and the prison brings together
Tribes of diverse and diverse sins.

٢. فَقُلتُ لِرَاعِى السِّجنِ وَالسِّجنُ جامِعٌ
قَبَائِلَ مِن شَتَّى وشَتَّى ذُنُوبُهَا

3. Oh, I wish I knew, will I visit women
Drenched in saffron, their pockets.

٣. أَلاَ لَيتَ شِعرِى هَل أَزُورَنَّ نِسوَةً
مُضَرَّجَةً بِالزَّعفَرانِ جُيُوبُهَا

4. Did they find relief at Sidr from the auspicious sanctuary
Healing bodies, though hearts are ill.

٤. وَهَل أَلقَيَن بِالسِّدرِ مِن أَيمَنِ الحِمَى
مُصَحَّحَةَ الأَجسامِ مَرضَى قُلُوبُهَا

5. With them, from the disease I know well
And only their doctor knows the cures.

٥. بِهِنَّ مِنَ الدَّاءِ الّذِى أنا عارفٌ
وَلا يَعرِفُ الأَدواءَ إِلاّ طَبِيبُهَا

6. For them, the heart died a death, and they shunned
With them, an absent one intended, confusing its people.

٦. عَلَيهِنَّ ماتَ القَلبُ مَوتاً وجانَبَت
بِهِنَّ نَوَى غِبٍّ أَشَتَّ شَعُوبُهَا