
Do you remember when the riders reined in their mounts

هل تذكرين إذ الركاب مناخة

1. Do you remember when the riders reined in their mounts
At the dwellings of the pilgrims on the day of assembling,

١. هَل تَذكُرِينَ إِذِ الرِّكابُ مُناخَةٌ
بِرِحالِها لِرَواحِ اَهلِ المَوسِمِ

2. When we would steal glances and above us
Was darkness like the gloomiest dust,

٢. إِذ نَحنُ نَستَرِقُ الحَدِيثَ وَفَوقَنا
مِثلُ الظَّلامِ مِنَ الغُبارِ الأَقتَمِ

3. And we kept appearing with our eyebrows between us
What was in our souls, while we did not speak?

٣. وَنَظلُّ نُظهِرُ بالحَوَاجِبِ بَينَنا
مافِى النُّفُوسِ وَنَحنُ لا نَتَكَلَّمُ