1. My friend, longing is not that the grit should grind
for two thousand years, then meet again,
١. خَلِيلىَّ لَيسَ الشَّوقُ أَن تَشحَطَ النَّوَى
بإِلفَينِ دَهراً ثُمَّ يَلتَقِيانِ
2. But separation is that the grit should collect
and I be prevented from seeing and you from seeing me.
٢. ولَكنَّما الهِجرانُ أَن تَجمَعَ النَّوَى
وتُمنَعَ مِنّى أَن أَرَى وتَرَانِى
3. We were generous friends, a group whose love
was lodged between us which we preserved with fair propriety.
٣. وَكُنّا كَرِيمَى مَعشَرٍ حُمَّ بَينَنَا
هَوىً فَحَفِظناهُ بِحُسنِ صِيَانِ
4. My companion said one day when we recalled the former love
while my eyes were weeping from the excess of passion:
٤. وَقالَ زَمِيلِى يَومض سالِفَةِ النَّقا
وَعَيناىَ مِن فَرطِ الهَوَى تَكِكفَانِ
5. "Is it because of a house between Lawdhān and Naqā’
that tomorrow your eyes will rove?”
٥. أَمِن أَجلِ دارٍ بَينَ لُوذانَ والنَّقَا
غَداةَ اللِّوَى عَيناكَ تَبتَدِرانِ
6. So I said: “No! Rather I am sick, though
the sickness of the eye is from what stirred the traces.”
٦. فَقُلتُ أَلاَ لا بَل قُذِيتُ وَإِنَّما
قَذَى العَينِ مِمّا هَيَّجَ الطَّلَلانِ
7. O Talehatain, Lawdhān does not cease to be in you both
a refuge for him who seeks your shade.
٧. فَيا طَلحَتَى لُوذانَ لا زالَ فِيكُما
لِمَن يَبتَغِى ظِلَّيكُما فَنَنَانِ
8. If you have turned away from love today
and come near to what is not to be approached,
٨. وَإِن كُنتُما قَد هِجتُما بارِحَ الهَوَى
وَدَنَّيتُما ما لَيسَ بالمُتَدَانِى
9. My friend, I have longed and you two have slept.
Are you then to be approached?
٩. خَلِيلَىَّ إِنِّى قَد أَرِقتُ ونِمتُما
فَهَل أَنتُما بالمُتَدَانِى
10. They said: “You have slept the night, then called us
while we are fearful, quaking boys.”
١٠. فَقالا أَنِمتَ اللَّيلَ ثُمَّ دَعَوتَنا
ونَحنُ غُلاما شُقَّةٍ رَجِفَانِ
11. Rise wherever you wish, we are wherever we desire.
If you shoot at us for a tryst, we will flee.
١١. فَقُم حَيثُ تَهوَى إِنَّنا حَيثُ نَشتَهِى
وَإِن رُمتَ تَعرِيساً بنا غَرِضَانِ
12. My friend, there is no counsel in one breast.
Advise me today what you two see.
١٢. خَلِيلَىَّ لَيسَ الرَّأىُ فِى صَدرِ واحدٍ
أَشِيرا عَلَىَّ اليَومَ ما تَرَيَانِ
13. Shall I embark on a difficult matter? Its smoothness
is with Najrān but everyplace tires me out.
١٣. أََأَركَبُ صَعبَ الأَمرِ إِنَّ ذَلُولَهُ
بِنَجرَانَ قَد أَعيا بِكلِّ مَكانِ
14. My friends, I am cured of the jaundiced folk,
and cured of evil suspicions.
١٤. خَلِيلَىَّ مِن أَهلِ اليَفاعِ شُفِيتُما
وَعُوفِيتُما مِن سَيِّىءِ الحَدَثَانِ
15. Come! Carry me, may God bless you two,
to Hadir al-Qur’ā’, then leave me.
١٥. أَلا يا احمِلانِى بارَك اللهُ فِيكُمَا
إِلَى حاضِرِ القَرعاءِ ثُمَّ ذَرَانِى
16. In truth, servants of God, I do not walk
along the crooked road until the two assemblages are mustered.
١٦. أَحَقّاً عِبادَ اللهِ أَن لَستُ ماشِياً
بِذِى الأَثلِ حَتَّى يُحشَرَ الثَّقَلانِ
17. Nor a day given over to sport with slender waisted fair ones,
who seduce us until our minds go astray,
١٧. ولا لاهِياً يَوماً إِلَى اللّيلِ كُلِّهِ
بِبِيضٍ لَطِيفَاتِ الخُصُورِ غَوانِى
18. and who mix clear lies with thoughtful utterance,
until our minds go astray and who mix clear lies with thoughtful utterance.
١٨. يُمَنِّينَنا حَتَّى تَزِيغَ عُقُولُنا
وَيَخلِطنَ نمَطلاً ظاهِراً بِلَيانِ
19. My friend, as for Umm ‘Amr, she is one of them,
and do not ask me about the other, they do not treat me fairly,
١٩. مِنَ النَّاسِ حَتَّى تَزِيغَ عقُولُنا
وَيَخلِطنَ مَطلاً ظاهراً بِلَيانِ
20. They forbid me, they are unjust, they do not do me justice
for their two sakes while they have tricked me.
٢٠. خَلَيلَىَّ أَمَّا أُمُّ عَمرٍو فَمِنهُما
وَأَمَّما عَنِ الأُخرى فَلا تَسَلانِى
21. Must you roam her lands each day
with two eyes that drowned a man?
٢١. مَنُوعانِ ظَلاّمانِ لا يُنصِفانِنِى
بِدَلَّيهما والطَّرفُ قَد خَلَبانِى
22. Love saw my body other than my frame -
tender, though I speak with my tongue!
٢٢. أَفِى كُلِّ يَومٍ أَنتَ رامٍ بِلادها
بِعَينَينِإِنساناهُما غَرِقا
٢٣. بَرَى الحُبِّ جِسمِى غَيرَ جُثمانِ أَعظُمِى
بَلِينَ وَإِنِّى ناطِقٌ بِلِسانِي