1. The house where you dwelled has been ruined by time
And the traces of dust from your departure still remain
١. أَمِنكِ أُمِيمُ الدّارُ غَيَّرَها البِلى
وَهَيفٌ بِجَولاَنِ التُّرَابِ لَعُوبُ
2. Desolate and uninhabited, never visited at dawn or dusk
Except by wailing winds echoing through its empty halls
٢. بَسَابِسُ لَم يُصبِح وَلَم يُمسِ ثاوِياً
بِها بَعدَ جِدِّ البَينِ مِنكِ عَرِيبُ
3. Crying out their laments to the hollow ruins
I shed my tears for the dear one departed
٣. سِوَى عَازفاتٍ يَنتَحِبنَ معَ الصَّدَى
كَما رَجَّعَت جُوفٌ لهُنَّ ثُقُوبُ
4. Like necklaces of pearls from Iraq scattered apart
The land you left and wandered from, so long ago
٤. ظَلِلتُ بها أُذرِى الدُّمُوعَ كَما صَرَى
بِغَر بَينِ مِن خَرزِ العَراقِ شَعِيبُ
5. Yet still my heart is guided back there by love
I banish any thought of affection growing cold
٥. دِيارُ الّتى هاجَرتُ عَصراً ولِلهَوَى
بلُبِّى إِلَيها قائدٌ ومُهِيبُ
6. Or turning away from memories my spirit still craves
So that my love for you will overcome my sorrows
٦. أَذُودُ ارتداعُ الوُدِّ لا خَشيةَ الرّدَى
صَدَى هامَتِى عَمّا إِلَيهِ تَلُوبُ
7. Though I struggle to restrain it, I am still enthralled
Spare me the accusations of gossiping detractors
٧. لِيَغلِبَ حُبِّها عَزائى وَإِنَّنِي
لِصَبرِى إِذا غالَبتُهُ لَغَلُوبُ
8. For I am but a hapless victim of your sweet love
O Umayma, you have distracted me and revealed to me
٨. وَتَسلَمَ مِن قَولِ الوُشاةِ وإِنَّنِى
لَهُم حِينَ يَغتَابُونَها لَذَبُوبُ
9. Such delightful qualities of character before unknown
At times I find peace and solace, at others it seems
٩. أُمَيمَ لِقَلبِي مِن هَوَاكِ ضَمانَةٌ
وَأَنتِ لَها لَو تَعلَمِينَ طَبيبُ
10. The troubles of my youth are weighing down upon me
I say it's just a dream of my Umayma that stirs me
١٠. أُمَيمَ لَقَد عَنَّيتِنى وَأَرَيتِنِى
بَدَائعَ أَخلاَقٍ لهُنَّ ضُرُوبُ
11. For one who yearns is thrilled by the slightest phantom
They tell me to be strong, for this is but madness
١١. فَارتَاحُ أَحياناً وَحِيناً كأَنَّمَا
عَلَى كَبِدِى ماضِى الشَّباةِ ذَرِيبُ
12. Yet for the lovesick tears are their only consolation
The cool waters of Muzain are naught without you here
١٢. فَقُلتُ خَيَالٌ مِن أُمَيمَةَ هَاجَنى
وَذُو الشَّوقِ للطَّيفِ المُلِمِّ طَرُوبُ
13. Only the hillsides remain, and the beasts roam unfettered
Untamed gazelles rest in the shade, then venture out
١٣. فَقالُوا تَجَلَّد إِنَّ ذَاكَ عَرَامَةٌ
وَمَا فِى البُكا لِلوَاجِدينَ نَصِيبُ
14. Led in their freedom by the gentle southern winds
A tribe on the move, their tents dotting the horizon
١٤. وَمَا مَاءُ مُزنٍ فى حُجَيلاَءَ دُونَها
مَنَاكِبُ مِن ثُمِّ الذُّرَا وَلُهُوبُ
15. Struck at dawn, then quickly dismantled as the winds shift
With the sweetest taste of all that they contain
١٥. صَفَا فِى ظِلاَلٍ بَارِد وَتَطَلَّعَت
بِهِ فُرُطٌ يَقتَادُهُنَّ جَنُوبُ
16. My nature is such that when I see them, I am tempted
Happy the camel returning to the campsite
١٦. مُعَسكَرُ دَلاّحٍ مَرَت وَدَقَاتِهِ
صَباً بَعدَ مَا هَبَّت لَهُنَّ جَنُوبُ
17. To sip the nectar from lips like sweetest wine
Her seat adorned with trinkets, a camel-litter bedecked
١٧. بِأَطيبَ مِن فِيها مَذَاقاً وإِنَّى
بِشَيمِى إذا أَبصَرتُهُ لَطَبِيبُ
18. With butterflies, partridges, and every ornament
Gorged on pure rainwater collected in her hump
١٨. هَنِيئاً لِعُودِ الضَّروِ شَهدٌ يَنالُهُ
عَلَى خَصِراتٍ رِيقُهنَّ عَذُوبُ
19. Brown feathers like the wings of a sandgrouse in flight
I love the descent into both valleys, though truly
١٩. وَمَنصِبُها حَمشٌ أَحَمُّ يَزِينُهُ
عَوارضُ فِيها شُنبَةٌ وغُرُوبُ
20. My heart is a stranger to the slopes of Dun and Thabir
And where are the Arak trees, the lotus fruit and blooms?
٢٠. بما قَد تَسَقَّى مِن سُلافٍ وَضَمَّهُ
بَنانٌ كَهُدّابِ الدِّقسِ خَضِيبُ
21. Who will inform me if my beloved is near?
The soft breezes wafting from her land arrive to me
٢١. أُحِبُّ هُبوطَ الوادِيَينِ وإِنَّنى
لَمُستَهتَرٌ بِالوادِيَينِ غَرِيبُ
22. Weakened, yet still carry her sweet scent as they pass
My eyes scan the night sky and each star above
٢٢. وقالت أما واللهِ لَولاَ اشتِهارُكُم
وَجَنيِ عليكَ الذَّنبَ حِينَ تَغِيبُ
23. As if I were the watchful guardian over them all
And I long for the Yemeni lightning in the darkness
٢٣. لَمَا شَمِلَ الأَحشاءُ مِنكَ عَلاقَةً
ولا زُرتَنا إِلاّ وأَنتَ تَطِيبُ
24. As passion rises in me when southern winds blow
In the farmland of Sanaa I saw but a mirage
٢٤. أَحقّاً عِبادَ اللهِ أَن لَستُ صادِراً
وَلا وارداً إِلاَّ عَلَىَّ رَقِيبُ
25. A dream's deceptions, though they seemed real at the time
My hands grasped at the stars but found only the empty sky
٢٥. ولا ناظراً إِلاّ وَطَرفِىَ دُونَهُ
بَعيدُ المَراقِى فِى السَّماءِ مَهِيبُ
26. As their radiance faded and their lights were extinguished
The girl Riyadah came to me stealthily in the night
٢٦. وَلاَ مَاشِياً وَحدِى وَلاَ فِى جَمَاعةٍ
مِنَ النَّاسِ إِلاّ قِيلَ أنتَ مُرِيبُ
27. Crossing the field between us to reach her lover
I awoke the sleeping pair, both crying out
٢٧. وهَل رِيبةٌ فِى أَن تَحِنَّ نَجِيبةٌ
إِلَى إِلفِهَا أَو أَن يَحِنَّ نَجِيبُ
28. Responding together when alarmed and terrified
The froths of waves subsided after some time
٢٨. لَكِ اللهُ إِنّى وَاصِلٌ ما وَصَلتِنِى
وَمُثنٍ بمَا أَولَيتنِى وَمثِيبُ
29. And the sun revealed their true colors and characters
The constant grasp of swords has marked my shoulders
٢٩. وآخُذُ ما اَعطَيتِ عَفواً وَإِنَّنِى
لأَزوَرُ عَمَا تَكرَهِينَ هَيُوبُ
30. With scars and wounds from long campaigns of battle
Routing army upon army, a constant blur
٣٠. فَلاَ تَترُكِي نَفسِي شَعَاعاً فإِنَّها
مِنَ الوَجدِ قَد كادَت عَلَيكِ تَذُوبُ
31. Of dawn and dusk amidst the gardens of death
The spies have made it their mission to find out
٣١. أُحِبُّكِ أَطرَافَ النَّهَارِ بَشَاشَةً
وَفِى اللَّيلِ يَدعُونِى الهَوَى فَأجِيبُ
32. Umayma, if I have a place within your heart
Stranger am I, called here by yearning, led by desire
٣٢. وَلَمَّا رأَيتُ الهَجرَ أَبقَى مَوَدَّةً
وَطَارَت لأَضغَانٍ عَلَىَّ قُلُوبُ
33. Like a tame camel pulled along by its bridle
You made me familiar to the people, you drew me near
٣٣. هَجَرتُ اجِتنَاباً غَيرَ بِغضِ وَلاَقِلىً
اُمَيمَةُ مَهجُورٌ إِليَّ حَبِيبُ
34. Though once I was but a stranger from afar
If I heard you call I would answer immediately
٣٤. وَنُبِّئتُهَا قَالَت وَبَينِي وَبَينَهَا
مَهَامِهُ غُبرٌ ما بِهِنَّ غَرِيبُ
35. Calling your name before all others who respond
Beware the fickleness and estrangement born of malice
٣٥. عَذرتُكَ مِن هَذَا الَّذِى مَرّ لَم يَعُج
عَلَينا فَيجزِينَا وَنَحنُ قَرِيبُ
36. For the bond between us still holds true
They say no stranger can stay among our lands
٣٦. فَقُلتُ لهُ لاَ تَألُ هَلاَّ عَذَرتَنِى
إِلَيهَا فَقَد حَلَّت عَلَىَّ ذُنُوبُ
37. Yet I come to you open-handed with gifts
Those who pursue forbidden passions are rewarded
٣٧. أُمَيمُ أَهُونٌ بى عَلَيكِ وَقَد بَدَا
بِجِسمىَ مَمَّا تَزدَرينَ شُحُوبُ
38. While I receive no comfort or solace from you
They advise me to abandon my desire for you
٣٨. فَقالَ لَهَا يَا أَملَحَ النّاسِ رَاكِبٌ
بِهِ شَعَثٌ بَادٍ بِهِ وَشُحُوبُ
39. Since the malice of youth has turned against me
I despair at the loss of affection once held so dear
٣٩. صُدُوداً وإعرَاضاً كأنّىً مُذنِبٌ
وَمَا كانَ لِي إِلاّ هَوَاكِ ذُنُوبُ
40. As my heart will find no peace without you
A healer may mend a heart shattered by intense devotion
٤٠. لَعَمرِى لَئِن أَولَيتِنى مِنكِ جَفوَةً
وَشَبَّ هَوَى قَلبِى إِلَيكِ شَبُوبُ
41. Yet one drowned in love can never be restored to health
I saw a fire blazing, with naught but distance between us
٤١. وَطَاوَعتِ بى قوماً عِدَىً أن تَظاهَرُوا
عَلَىَّ بقَولِ السُّوءِ حِينَ أَغِيبُ
42. Like a barren valley or expanse of water dividing us
When I come to you exhausted in the deep of night
٤٢. لَبِئسَ إِذَن عَونُ الخَلِيلِ أَعَنتِني
عَلَى نَائِبَاتِ الدَّهرِ حِينَ تَنُوبُ
43. You mistake me for a vagabond wanderer in the darkness
Empty promises you made and oaths you gave
٤٣. فإِن لَم تَرَى مِنّى عَليكِ فَتَحمَدِى
وَفِى اللهِ قَاضٍ بَينَنَا وَحَسِيبُ
44. Yet for one who hoped, your love was but a mirage
I feigned coldness, not out of hate or bitterness
٤٤. ذِمَاماً إِذا طَاوعتِ بى قَولَ كاشِحٍ
مِنَ الغَيظِ يَفرِى كِذبَهُ وَيَعِيبُ
45. But Umayma, my darling, I am still your captive
When told, she said: Between us lies a great distance
٤٥. وإِنّى لأَستَحِييكِ حَتّى كأَنَّمَا
عَلَىَّ بِظَهرِ الغَيبِ مِنكِ رَقِيبُ
46. An impassable gulf no caravan could traverse
I made excuses for you, since what happened was trivial
٤٦. حِذَارَ القِلَى وَالصَّرمِ مِنكِ فَإنَّنى
عَلَى العَهدِ مَادَاومَتِنى لَصَلِيبُ
47. And caused no breach that could not soon be repaired
I told her: do not bother to make excuses for me
٤٧. فَيَا حَسَرَاتِ النَّفسِ مِن غُربَةِ الهَوَى
إِذَا اقتَسَمَتنَا نِيّةٌ وَشَعُوبُ
48. The sins I have committed cannot be atoned or forgiven
Umayma, have I become contemptible in your eyes?
٤٨. وَمِن خَطَرَاتٍ تَعتَرِينِى وَزَفرَةٍ
لَها بَينَ لَحمِى وَالعِظَامِ دَبِيبُ
49. Look at my body wasted by your bitter estrangement
My vigor is drained, no vitality remains
٤٩. أَصُدُّ وَبِى مِثلُ الجُنُونِ مِنَ الهَوَى
وَأَهجُرُ لَيلَى العَصرَ ثُمَّ أُنِيبُ
50. As you deny all warmth and affection towards me
The isolated peak stands apart on the hillside
٥٠. إِذا أَكثَرَ الكُرهَ المُحَبُّ وَلَم يَكُن
لَهُ عِلَلٌ كادَ المُحَبُّ يَريبُ
51. Yet I will go to it, even if spurned, for it is beloved
In spite of my enemies, I find solace in its shade
٥١. وَقَد جَعَلَت رَيّا الجَنُوبِ إِذَا جَرَت
عَلَى طِيبِهَا تَندَى لَنَا وَتَطِيبُ
52. A healing balm for the wounded heart's afflictions
It shelters me, though they deride and reject me
٥٢. جَنُوبٌ بِرَيّا مِن أُمَيمَةَ تَغتَدِى
حِجَازِيَّةً عُلوِيَّةً وَتَؤُوبُ
53. For I care nothing for those who would prohibit me
I will answer when my Umayma calls
٥٣. تَهِيجُ عَلَىَّ الشَوقَ بَعدَ اندِمالِهِ
يَمَانِيَةٌ عُلوِيَّةٌ وَجَنُوبُ
54. No other voice stirs me to respond except for hers
Delay no longer, before this separation consumes all love
٥٤. أَحِنُّ إِلَى الرَّملِ اليَمانِى صَبَابَةً
وَهَذَا لَعَمرِى لَو رَضِيتُ كَثِيبُ
55. And my soul can find no comfort or peace in you
By day I love your cheerful manner, by night I am summoned
٥٥. فأَينَ الأَرَاكُ الدَّوحُ وَالسِّدرُ وَالغَضَى
ومُستَخبَرٌ مِمَّن تُحِبُّ قَرِيبُ
56. By passion, calling me to you, and I oblige
When I saw your resentment growing, though our love
٥٦. وإِنَّ النَّسِيمَ العَذبَ مِن نَحوِ أَرضِهَا
يَجِىءُ مَرِيضاً صَوبُهُ فَيَطِيبُ
57. Still thrived, and hearts turned against me in their envy
I withdrew, not out of hate or bitterness towards you
٥٧. وإِنّى لأَرعَى النَّجمَ حَتّى كأَنَّنِى
عَلَى كُلِّ نَجمٍ فِى السَّماءِ رَقِيبُ
58. But Umayma, my love, you are still my heart's delight
Reconcile before the bond between us becomes severed
٥٨. وأشتَاقُ لِلبَرقِ اليَمانِى إِذَا غَدَا
وَأَزدَادُ شَوقاً أَن تَهُبَّ جَنُوبُ
59. And no portion of your affection remains for me
They say to beware a stranger in our lands, yet I
٥٩. وَبالحَقلِ مِن صَنعَاءَ كانَ مَطافُهَأ
كَذُوباً وَأَهوَالُ المَنَامِ كَذُوبُ
60. Am but a stranger led to you by fate's design
Those who follow wayward passions are rewarded
٦٠. أَلَمَّت وَايدِى النَّجمِ خُوصٌ عَلَى الشَّفَا
وَقَد كانَ مِن سُلاّفِهنَّ غُرُوبُ
61. While I see no comfort from you for all I've endured
They say: "Desist from your passion which has bred
٦١. وَرَيدَةُ ذَاتِ الحَقلِ بَينِى وَبَينَهَأ
سَرَى لَيلةً سَارٍ إِلىَّ حَبِيبُ
62. Only malice and spite from the youths against you"
I despair at losing the affection once held so dear
٦٢. فَنَبَّهتُ مِطوَىَّ اللَّذينِ كِلاهُما
يُلَبِّينِ عِندَ المُفظِعاتِ مُجِيبُ
63. And that my heart cannot be consoled or placated
A healer may mend a heart shattered by love
٦٣. جَفَتهُ الفَوَالِى بَعدَ حِينٍ وَلاَحَهُ
شُموسٌ لأَلوَانِ الرِّجَالِ صَهُوبُ
64. Once afflicted with such intense and pure devotion
I have endured the bitterest poisons and still feel no hatred
٦٤. وَطُولُ احتِضانِ السَّيفِ حَتَّى بِمَنكِبى
أَخادِيدُ مِن آثَارِهِ وَنُدُوبُ
65. Nor harbor resentment when hurt and oppressed
They have wronged my beloved, though she is innocent
٦٥. وإرجَافُ جَمعٍ بَعدَ جَمع وَغَابَةٍ
صَبَاحَ مَسَاءَ لِلجَنَانِ رَعُوب
66. And I had no part in causing her such injustice
They say: "No stranger can stay in our land overnight"
٦٦. وَقَد جَعَلَ الوَاشُونَ عَمداً لَيَعلَمُوا
أَلِي مِنكِ أَم لاَ ياأُمَيمَ نَصِيبُ
67. Yet it is I who comes to you with gifts outstretched
If they hold bitterness against me, I only feel tenderness
٦٧. أُمَيمَ انصِبى عَينَيكِ نَحوِى تَبَيَّنِى
بِجِسمِىَ مِمَّا تَفعَلِينَ شُحُوبُ
68. For I am sweeter than pure waters towards you
Let me restore the campsite of Hiss ibn Zayd
٦٨. أَذَاهِبةٌ نَبلِى شَعاعاً وَلَم يَكن
لَها مِن ظِباءِ الوَادِيَينِ نَصِيبُ
69. For its purity and sweetness is pleasing to me
Beware of sundering the bond between us, for I
٦٩. فإِنَّ الكثِيبَ الفَردَ مِن جَانِبِ الحِمَى
إِلىَّ وَإِن لَم آتِهِ لَحَبِيبُ
70. Will always have a claim to meet you there
Regard the slanderers as a plague and pestilence
٧٠. وَإِنّى عَلَى رَغمِ العُدَاةِ بِأَنقُعٍ
شِفَاءً لِحَومَاتِ الصَّدَى لَشَرُوبُ
71. For I am more unrelenting towards them than lions
While you remain prosperous, I shall be your sentinel
٧١. عَلُولٌ بها مِنهَا نَهُولٌ وَإنَّنِى
بِنَفسِىَ عَن مَطرُوقِهَا لَرغُوبُ
72. Ever watchful, though none can perceive me
Tell me, do you think of me sometimes? For thoughts of you
٧٢. مَجِيبٌ لِدَاعٍ مِن أُمَيمَةَ إِن دَعَا
سِوَاهَا بِقَولِ السَّائِلينَ ذَهُوبُ
73. Are my constant comfort and companion in this life
And is there a place for me within your heart?
٧٣. تَلِجّينَ حَتّى يُزرِىَ الهَجرُ بالهَوَى
وحَتّى تَكادَ النَّفسُ عَنكِ تَطِيبُ
74. For your image dwells eternally inside my heart
I am not forgotten, then served a bitter draft
٧٤. يَحُمنَ حِيامَ الهِيمِ لَم تَلقَ شَافِياً
أََثَابَ النُّفُوسَ الحائماتِ مُثِيبُ
75. For the soul finds no solace in what it cannot obtain
I saw souls imprisoned though they had no crime
٧٥. وَلَو أَنَّ ما بى بالحَصَى قَلِقَ الحَصَى
وَبالرّيحِ لم يُسمَع لَهُنَّ هُبُوبُ
76. With no misdeeds to deserve such punishment
Without you there is no joy in this world
٧٦. وَلَو أَنّنِى أَستَغفِرُ اللهَ كُلَّمَا
ذَكَرتُكِ لَم تُكتَب عَلَىَّ ذُنُوبُ
77. If one cannot visit a beloved or be visited by a lover
I have drunk lethal venoms without perishing
٧٧. أَمُستَكبَرٌ مَمشَاىَ إِن جِئتُ زَائراً
إِلَيكُم وَمَعقُودٌ عَلَىَّ ذُنوبُ
78. And shown only devotion, never fury, when hurt
My companions sleep while passions disrobe me
٧٨. دَعُونِى أَرِد حِسىَ ابنِ زَيدٍ فإِنَّهُ
هُوَ العَذبُ يَحلَو لِى لَنَا وَيَطِيبُ
79. Exposing secrets once hidden so discreetly within
If you fear you cannot contain our love, then return
٧٩. أُمَيمَ احذَرِى نَقضَ القُوَى لاَ يَزَل لَنَا
عَلى النَّاىِ والهِجرَانِ مِنكِ نَصِيبُ
80. My heart, for the dwelling place is not far removed
Should I abandon you out of pride or misguidance
٨٠. وَكُونِى عَلَى الوَاشِينَ لَدّاءَ شَغبةً
كما أَنَا لِلوَاشِى أَلَدُّ شَغُوبُ
81. Only to regret it later and beg your forgiveness?
I followed you for a year, then two years more
٨١. أَلاَ يا أُمِيمَ القَلبِ دَامَ لَكِ الغِنَى
فَما ساعَةٌ إِلاّ عَلَىَّ رقِيبُ
82. As the feeble and frail will trail behind the mighty
You then donned the garb of one inferior and base
٨٢. أَسِيرٌ صَغِيرٌ أَو كَبِيرٌ مُجَرِّبٌ
اَم آخَر يَرمِى بالظَّنُونِ مُرِيبُ
83. No longer worthy of the affections you once elicited
Seeking favor from Umayma is fruitless
٨٣. فَلاَ تَمنَحِينى البُخلِ مِنكِ وتَعجَلِى
عَلَىَّ بِأمرٍ لَم يَكُن بِذُنُوبِ
84. For when she promises, her words are but lies
One day I said to the son of Amr, as our fates diverged -
٨٤. أَمَا والّذِى يَبلُو السَّرَائرَ كُلَّهَا
فَيَعلَم ما يَبدُو لَه وَيَغِيبُ
85. Some souls rising higher, others plunged into despair:
The hands of enemies are outstretched against us
٨٥. لَقَد كُنتِ مِمَّن تَصطَفِى النَّفسُ خُلَّةً
لَهَا دُونَ خُلاّتِ الصَّفاءِ نَصِيبُ
86. So we must aim true with our spears and strike them
I enjoyed but a brief glimpse of the encampment
٨٦. وَلَكن تَجَنَّيتِ الذُّنُوبَ وَمَن يُرِد
يَجُذُّ القُوَى تُقدَر عَلَيهِ ذُنُوبُ
87. For nothing surpasses that view of the hillside
Oh, would that I knew! Do you still remember me?
٨٧. بِنَفسِى وَأَهلِى مَن إِذا عَرَضُوا لَهُ
بِبَعضِ الاََذَى لَم يَدرِ كَيفَ يُجِيبُ
88. For remembering you in this life is my only solace
And is there a place that is mine within your heart?
٨٨. ولم يَعتَذِر عُذرَ البَرىءِ وَلَم يَزَل
بِهِ صَعقَةٌ حتّى يُقالَ مُريبُ
89. Just as you dwell eternally within my heart
I am not discarded, forced to drink bitterness
٨٩. لَقَد ظَلَمُوا ذاتَ الوِشاحِ وَلَم يَكُن
لَنا فى هَوَى ذاتِ الوِشاحِ نَصِيبُ
90. For the soul finds no joy in what it cannot obtain
I saw souls tried and imprisoned for so long
٩٠. يَقُولون لا يُمسى الغَرِيبُ بأَرضِنا
وَأيدِى الهَدَايا إِنَّنِى لَغَرِيبُ
91. Though they had committed no sins or misdeeds
There is no good in this world if one cannot visit
٩١. غَرِيبٌ دَعَاهُ الشَّوقُ فاقتَادَهُ الهَوَى
كَما قِيدَ عَودٌ بِالزِّمامِ أَدِيبُ
92. A beloved, or be visited by a sweetheart
I was served the blood of snakes yet did not perish
٩٢. فأَنتِ التى ذَلَّلتِ لِلنَّاسِ صَعبَتِى
وقَرَّبتِ لِى ما لَم يَكُن بِقَرِيبِ
93. Nor react with fury when hurt and oppressed
While my companions sleep, passions disrobe me
٩٣. وإن أَسمَعَتنِى دَعوَةً لأَجبُتها
أُلبِّى سُلَيمَى قَبلَ كُلِّ مُجِيبِ
94. And expose the secrets once hidden discreetly within
If you fear you cannot restrain our love, then return
٩٤. أَلاَ لا أُبالِى ما أجَنَّت صُدُورُهُم
إِذا نَصَحت مِمَّن أَوَدُّ جُيُوبُ
95. My heart, for it is not far and the dwelling place is near
Could it be pride that makes me abandon you?
٩٥. فإن تَحمِلوا حِقدا عَلَىَّ فإِنَّنِى
لَعَذبِ المِياهِ نَحوَكُم لَشَرُوبُ
96. Only to later regret it and beg your forgiveness?
For a year I followed you, then two years more
٩٦. يُثَابُ ذَوو الأَهواءِ غَيرِى وَلاَ أَرَى
اُمَيمَةٌ مِمَّا قَد لَقِيتُ تُثيِبُ
97. As the weak and frail will trail behind the mighty
You then donned the garb of one inferior and base
٩٧. يَقُولونَ أَقصِر عَن هَوَاها فَقَد وَعَت
ضَغائنَ شُبّانٌ عَلَيكَ وَشِيبُ
98. No longer worthy of the affections you once elicited
Seeking favors from Umayma is fruitless
٩٨. أَلَهفِى لِما ضَيَّعتُ وُدِّى وَما هَفا
فُؤادِى لِمَن لَم يَدرِ كَيفَ يُثِيبُ
99. For when she promises, her words are but lies
I said to the son of Amr one day, as our fates diverged:
٩٩. وإِنَّ طَبِيباً يَشعَبُ القَلبَ بَعدَما
تَصَدَّعَ مِن وَجدٍ بِهَا لَكَذوبُ
100. Some souls rising higher, while others plunged into despair
The hands of enemies are outstretched against us
١٠٠. رَأيتُ لها ناراً وَبَينِى وَبَينَها
مِنَ العِرضِ أَو وادِى المِياهِ سُهُوبُ
101. So we must strike true with our spears against them
I enjoyed but a glimpse of the hillside encampment
١٠١. إِذا جِئتُهَا وَهناً مِنَ اللَّيلِ شَبَّهَا
مِنَ المَندَلِىِّ المُستَجَادِ ثَقُوبُ
102. For nothing can surpass that view of the dunes
Oh, would that I knew! Do you still remember me?
١٠٢. وَقَد وَعَدَت لَيلَى وَمَنّت وَلَم يَكُن
لِرَاجِى المُنَى مِن وُدِّهِنَّ نَصِيبُ
103. For in this life, thoughts of you are my only solace
And is there a place that is mine within your heart?
١٠٣. مُحِبًّا أَكَنَّ الوَجدَ حَتّى كأَنَّهُ
مِنَ الأَهلِ وَالمَالِ التِّلاَدِ تَطِيبُ
104. Just as you eternally dwell inside my heart
I am not discarded, forced to drink what is bitter
١٠٤. أَلاَ لاَ أَرَى وَادِى المِياهِ يُثِيبُ
وَلاَ النَّفسُ عَمَّا لاَ تَنَالُ تَطِيبُ
105. For the soul finds no joy in what cannot be obtained
I saw souls imprisoned for so long though innocent
١٠٥. يَقَرُّ بِعَينِى أَن أَرَى ضَوءَ مُزنَةٍ
يَمانِيةٍ أَو أَن تَهُبَّ جَنُوبُ
106. With no sins or misdeeds to deserve such punishment
There is no good in this world if one cannot visit
١٠٦. فإِن خِفتِ أَلاّ تُحكِمِى مِرَّةَ الهَوَى
فَرُدِّى فُؤَادِى وَالمَزَارُ قَرِيبُ
107. A beloved, or be visited by a sweetheart
I have endured the bitterest poisons yet feel no hatred
١٠٧. أَكُن أَحوَذِىَّ الصَّرمِ إِمّا لِخُلَّةٍ
سِوَاكِ وَإِمّا أَرعَوِى فَأتُوبُ
108. Nor fury when hurt, but show only compassion
While my companions sleep, passions disrobe me
١٠٨. تَبِعتُكِ عَاماً ثُمَّ عَامَينِ بَعدَهُ
كما تَبِعَ المُستَضعَفِينَ جَنِيبُ
109. And expose secrets once hidden discreetly within
If you fear our love cannot be contained, return
١٠٩. فَأبلَستِ إِبلاَسَ الدَّنىءِ وَمَا عَدَت
لكِ النَّفسُ حاجاتٍ وَهُنَّ قَرِيبُ
110. My heart, for the dwelling place is not far removed
Does pride make me abandon you, only to later
١١٠. رَجاةَ نَوالٍ مِن أُمَيمَةَ إِنَّها
إذا وَعَدَتنا نائلاً لَكَذُوبُ
111. Regret it and beg your forgiveness?
For a year I followed you, then two years more
١١١. وَقَد قُلتُ يَوماً لاِبنِ عَمروٍ وَقَد عَلَت
فُوَيقَ التَّراقِى أَنفُسٌ وقُلُوبُ
112. As the feeble and frail trail behind the mighty
You donned the garb of one inferior and base
١١٢. وَأَيدِ الأَعادِى مُشرَعاتٌ فَطَرفُنا
إِلَى طَرفِهِم نَرمِى بِهِ فَنُصِيبُ
113. No longer worthy of the affections you once elicited
Seeking favor from Umayma is fruitless
١١٣. تَمَتَّعتُ مِن أَهلِ الكثِيبِ بنَظَرَةٍ
وقَد قِيلَ ما بَعدض الكثِيبِ كَثِيبُ
114. For when she promises, her words are but lies
١١٤. أَلاَ لَيتَ شِعرِى عَنكِ هَل تَذكُرِينَنِى
فذِكرُكِ فى الدُّنيا إِلىَّ
١١٥. وَهَل لِي نَصِيبٌ فى فُؤادِكِ ثابتٌ
كَمالكِ عِندِى فى الفُؤادِ نَصِيبُ
١١٦. فَلَستُ بِمَتروكٍ فَأَشرَبَ شَربَةٌ
ولا النَّفسُ عَمَّا لا تَنالُ تَطِيبُ
١١٧. رَأيتُ نُفُوساً تُبتَلَى طالَ حَبسُهَا
عَلَى غَيرِ جُرمٍ ما لَهُنَّ ذُنُوبُ
١١٨. فلا خَيرَ فِى الدُّنيا إِذا أَنتَ لم تَزُر
حَبِيباً وَلَم يَطرَب إِلَيك حَبيبُ
١١٩. سُقِيتُ دَمَ الحَيّاتِ إِن لُمتُ بَعدَها
مُحِبّاً ولا عَنَّفتُ حِينَ يَحُوبُ
١٢٠. وَإِنَّى لَتَعرُونِى وَقَد نَامَ صُحبَتِى
رَوَائعُ حتَّى لِلفُؤادِ وَجِيبُ