
I say, now that the departure of my companion is certain

أقول وقد أجد رحيل صحبي

1. I say, now that the departure of my companion is certain
Give guidance, O guide, to guidance, a fine gift

١. أُقُولُ وَقَد أَجَدَّ رَحيلُ صَحبِي
لِحَادِيَّ اهدِيا هَدياً جَمِيلا

2. When you meet at Salma, say: you are responsible for the slain
He hoped to attain your friendship, but you denied him

٢. أَلِمّا قَبلَ ببَينِكُما بِسَلمَى
فَقُولا أَنتِ ضامِنَةٌ قَتِيلا

3. And caused him grievous sickness.
If Salma grants you safety, then we

٣. رَجا مِنكِ النَّوالَ فَلَم تُنِيلِى
وَقَد أَورثتِهِ سُقماً طَوِيلا

4. See it right to attain arrival
But if you sense meanness, we are not

٤. فَإِن وصَلَتكُما سَلمَى فَإِنَّا
نَرَى فِى الحَقِّ أن نَصِلَ الوَصُولا

5. The first to hope for grace from one mean

٥. وَإِن آنستُما بُخلاً فَلَسنَا
بِأَوَّلِ مَن رَجا حَرَجاً بَخِيلا