1. To what end are you struck by a veil of ignorance
That no distance consoles you, nor closeness brings relief?
١. إِلَى أَىِّ حِينٍ أَنتَ ضَارِبُ غَمرَةٍ
مِنَ الجَهلِ لاَ يُسلِيكَ نَأيٌ وَلاَ قُربُ
2. You roam confused for Layla, with no union to attain,
No respite from the one whose memory brings you grief.
٢. تَهِيمُ بِلَيلَى لاَ نَوَالٌ تُنِيلُهُ
وَلاَ رَاحَةٌ مِمّن تَذُكُّرُهُ نَصبُ
3. In passion for her, desire once hidden now lays bare
As pasture where goodness from her union is made barren.
٣. هَوَاها هَوىً قَد عَادَ مَكنُونُهُ جَوىً
ومَرعىً لِبَاغِى الخَيرِ مِن وَصلِهَا جَدبُ
4. Estrangement from Sulaima is a clear path in its course,
Yet its way is craggy when you seek to draw near.
٤. وهَجرُ سُلَيمَى مُستَبِينٌ طرِيقُهُ
وَمَسلَكُهُ وَعرٌ إِذا رُمتَهُ صَعبُ
5. If only Sulaima's frugality gave way to generosity,
As she has affection for Sulaima that comes after.
٥. لَوَ أَنَّ سُلَيمَى يُعقِبُ البُخلَ جُودُها
كَما لِسُلَيمَى مِن مَوَدَّتِهَا عَقبُ
6. When Sulaima made peace with us and inclined toward us,
What fault but the bond between us could there be?
٦. وَعَائِبَةٍ سَلمَى إِلَينا وَمَالَنَا
إِلَيها سِوَى الوَصلِ الَّذِى بَينَنا ذَنبُ
7. Sulaima and the one who finds fault with her are not equal.
Just as the salty and the sweet can never equal be.
٧. وَمَا تَستَوِى سَلمَى وَلاَ مَن يَعِيبُهَا
إِلَينا كَما لاَ يسَتَوِى المِلحُ وَالعَذبُ