1. The Yemeni lightning attacked you while weakening,
So your sleep is a flooding deluge.
١. هَاجَكَ البَرقُ اليَمَانِى مَوهِناً
فَلَهُ نَومُكَ تَغميرٌ سُهُد
2. It went to the eyes in the highest comfort,
To a side that wished for that country.
٢. رَاحَ للعَينِ بأَعلَى رَاحةٍ
لِجِنابٍ حَبَّذَا ذَاكَ البَلَد
3. So it bought a full moon and then drew near
The covenant of those we wished for.
٣. فَشَرَى بَدرٍ فَجنبَى مَرمَرٍ
ثَمَّ أَدنَى عَهدِ مَن كُنّا نَوَد
4. Alas! The intention - alas! - with it
The last of days, as long as eternity lasts,
٤. فَالنَّوى هَيهات هَيهَات بِهَا
آخِرَ الاَيّامِ مَا دَامَ الأَبَد
5. The land of India - an intention that sailed with it
The last of days, as long as eternity lasts.
٥. دَارُ هِندٍ نِيَّةٌ شَطَّت بِهَا
آخِرَ الأيّامِ مَا دَامَ الاَبَد
6. The house of life - an intention that returned to us.
Is there a going back to what is past of life?
٦. دارُ دُنيَا نِيَّةٌ رُدَّت لَنا
هَل لِمَا فَاتَ مِن الدُّنيَا مَرَد
7. Or does the heart which gets accustomed to
The perils of mentioning it and ardour
٧. أَم هَلِ القَلبُ الَّذِى يَعتَادُهُ
خَطَراتُ الذِّكرِ مِنهَا وَالكَمَد
8. Forget, despairing, so there is no wish
After what is past for what you were hoping for.
٨. ذَاهِلٌ يَاساً فَما مِن مَطلَبٍ
بَعدَ مَا فَاتَ لِمَا كُنتَتَعِد