1. The mountain-passes and the sandy wastes confine you,
And between the sands and rocky tracts are the morning stars,
١. أَشاقَتكَ الهَوادِجُ والخُدُورُ
وَبَينُ الحَىِّ والظُّعُنُ البُكُورُ
2. White like the flash of our meeting glances,
The hearts of the folk are eyes and they are pure.
٢. وَبِيضٌ يَرتَمِينَ إِذا التَقَينا
قُلُوبَ القَومِ أَعيُنُهُنَّ حُورُ
3. Soft-skinned maidens, shy and languorous,
Clad in their mantles and silken robes.
٣. هِجانُ اللَّونِ أَبكارٌ وَعُونٌ
عَلَيهِنَّ المَجاسِدُ وَالحَرِيرُ
4. When the wind tosses the fragrance of musk,
Ambergris and perfume into the air,
٤. إِذا طَرَدَت فُنُونُ الرِّيحِ فِيهِ
تَوَشَّى المِسكُ يأرَجُ وَالعَبِيرُ
5. They appear like a summer's cloud,
That passes suddenly, charged with abundant rain.
٥. بَدَونَ كأَنَّهُنَّ غَمامُ صَيفٍ
تَهَلَّلَ وَاكفَهَرَّ لَهُ صَبِيرُ
6. But when they rode away, shoals of false men
Thronged about them, all with some want.
٦. فَلَمّا أن رَكِبنَ تَنَكَّبَتنَا
جَوافلُ مِن ذَوِى الحاجاتِ زُورُ
7. Then, truly, my skull was split from my bosom,
My heart almost flew away for sadness.
٧. نَعَم فَبَدا المُجَمجَمُ مِن فُؤَادِى
وَكادَ القَلبُ مِن وَجدٍ يَطِيرُ
8. My heart distraught by the maidens imposes on me
A wish hard to fulfil for their love.
٨. يُكَلِّفُنِى عَلَى الحَدَثانِ قَلبِى
نَوًى لِلحَىِّ مَطلَبُهَا عَسِيرُ
9. Till my reason returned and my patience was restored,
And the compact of my kinsmen was revealed to me.
٩. عَلَى حِينَ اندَمَلَتُ وَثابَ حِلمِى
وَلاحَ عَلَى مَفارِقِىَ القَتِيرُ
10. My heart seemed as though it were in Salma's dwellings,
Safe, or a captive of blood held in durance.
١٠. كأَنَّ القَلبَ عِندَ دِيارِ سَلمَى
سَلِيمٌ أو رَهِينُ دَمٍ أسِيرُ
11. Even so, before this, you were my beloved,
My nights were passed embraced by you, murmuring softly.
١١. كذَلكَ مِن أُمامةَ قَبلَ هذا
لَيالَى أَنتَ مُقتَبَلٌ غَرِيرُ
12. While the boon-companion, the sociable rogue, craved
Our visits, and the jealous one estranged us.
١٢. إِذِ المُتَهانِفُ الغُرنُوقُ يَهوى
زِيارَتنا وَيَكرَهُنا الغَيورُ
13. With the singing-girls we had obligations
And in the heart's retreat a love held in conscience.
١٣. وَعِندَ الغانِياتِ لَنا دُيونٌ
وَفِى مَأوَى القُلُوبِ هَوىً ضَمِيرُ
14. You would show me gentle of conversation,
Pliant like the Oka-branches, soft-lined,
١٤. تُرِيكَ مُفَلَّجاً عَذبَ الثَّنايا
كَلَونِ الأُقحُوَانِ لَهُ أُشُورُ
15. And the eye of a wild cow of Al-Jiwa', whose heart
A small calf wounds among the sand-dunes.
١٥. وَعَينَى ظَبيَةٍ بِجِواءِ رَملٍ
يَصُوعُ فُؤَادَها رَشَأٌ صَغِيرُ
16. Had you wished me well, you would have known my father
To be kindly to the doer of good, grateful.
١٦. فَلَو تُولِينَنِى لَعَلِمتِ أَبِّى
بِمَعرُوفٍ لِفاعِلِهِ شَكُورُ
17. I would have kept faith with you; for my troth,
I thought you worthy of the best I could give.
١٧. أُدِيمُ لَكِ المَوَدَّةَ إِنَّ وَصلِى
بِأَحسَنِ ما ظَنَنتِ بِهِ جَدِيرُ
18. And granted you favours that bear no shame,
As though your kinsman were a hail-stone's core.
١٨. وَأَمنَحُكِ التِى لا عارَ فِيها
كَأَنَّ نَسِيبَها بُردٌ حَبِيرُ
19. There came to us, wearing his clay like armour,
A Hejazi, stiff-necked with pride.
١٩. أتانا بِالمَلاَ كَلِمٌ حَدَاهُ
حِجازِىٌّ بِطِينَتِهِ فَخُورُ
20. A sleepless foe, unseen,
Though the keen-sighted were aware of his enmity,
٢٠. عَدُوٌّ لا يَنامُ ولا تَرَاهُ
وَلَو أَبدَى عَدَاوَتَهُ بَصيرُ
21. Had you answered me, you would have wearied of me,
While you fail far short of the distance I can go.
٢١. وَلَو جاوَبتَنِى لَقَصَرتَ عَنِّى
وَأَنتَ عَنِ المَدَى نَاءٍ حَسِيرُ
22. Had you returned to me, you would have seen my folk
As the noblest tribe, in numbers many.
٢٢. وَلَو عاوَدتَنِى لَرَأَيتَ قَومِى
هُمُ الأَشرافُ وَالعَدَدُ الكَثِيرُ
23. When Canopus follows the Pleiades,
And rain becomes scarce and the patient man is sought,
٢٣. إِذا الجَوزاءُ أَردَفَتِ الثُّرَيا
وَعَزَّ القَطرُ وافتُقِدَ الصَّبِيرُ
24. When the snakes lie in their hiding-places,
And the rabid dog is dumb, lacking even the power to bark,
٢٤. وَبَاتَت فِى مكامِنِهَا الأَفاعِى
وَلَم يَتَكَلَّمِ الكَلبُ العَقُورُ
25. Then you would have found the remnant of good faith in us,
Standing firm, who have made our dwelling in Ma'inn.
٢٥. وَجَدتَ بَقِيَّةَ المَعرُوفِ فِينَا
مُقِيماً ما ثَوَى بِمِنىً ثَبِيرُ