1. May God forgive Layla, even if she shed my blood
For even if she did not satisfy me, I have no complaint
١. عَفا اللهُ عَن لَيلَى وَإِن سَفَكَت دَمِى
فَإِنِّى وَإِن لَم تَجزِنِى غيرُ عاتِبِ
2. Against Layla, nor any doubt about her
And the one complained of may complain to every friend
٢. عَلَيها ولا مُبدٍ لِلَيلَى شَكِيَّةً
وَقَد يَشتكِى المُشكَى إِلَى كُلِّ صَاحِبِ
3. They say: repent from loving Layla and loving her
But I will not repent of my love for Layla
٣. يَقُولُونَ تُب مِن حُبِّ لَيلَى وَوُدِّها
وَما أَنا مِن حُبى لِلَيلَى بِتائِبِ