1. Ummamah said one day at Burqah in Wasit:
"O son of al-Ghadir, you have surely begun to change!
١. قالَت أُمامَةُ يَومَ بُرقَةِ واسِطٍ
يا اِبنَ الغَديرِ لَقَد جَعَلتَ تَغَيَّرُ
2. After your fresh youth whose bitterness is over,
And your branch still green, you have become
٢. أَصبَحتَ بَعدَ شَبابِكَ الغَضِّ الَّذي
نُقِضَت مَريرَتُهُ وَغُصنُكَ أَخضَرُ
3. An old man, your staff as your support and your companion,
Who seeks no news and asks no questions.
٣. شَيخاً دِعامَتُكَ العَصا وَمُشَيِّعاً
لا يَبتَغي خَبَراً وَلا يستخبِرُ
4. So I answered her: Does he who lives long not admit
What you have claimed and cease to look into the mirror?
٤. فَأَجَبتُها أَمَّن يُعَمَّرُ يَعتَرِف
ما قَد زَعَمتِ وَيَنبُ عَنهُ المَنظَرُ
5. And indeed I have seen the like of what you reproached me
Advance upon you with time and rise early.
٥. وَلَقَد رَأَيتُ شَبيهَ ما عَيَّرتِني
يَغدو الزَمانُ بِهِ عَلَيكِ وَيَبكُرُ
6. And my little son kept watch over me when family filled me
And I was honored, not cowed.
٦. وَجَعَلتُ يَحفَظُني الصَغيرُ وَمَلَّني
أَهلي وَكُنتُ مُكَرَّماً لا أُكهَرُ
7. And I drank from the little goblet and it led me
Toward proper manners from my youngest son."
٧. وَشَرِبتُ بِالقَعبِ الصَغيرِ وَقادَني
نَحوَ المُقامَةِ مِن بَنِيَّ الأَصغَرُ