1. My friends, hasten today with a farewell drink
And quench my thirst before I depart
١. عَجِّلا اليَومَ صاحِبَيَّ رَواحا
وَاِسقِياني قَبلَ التَرَوُّحِ راحا
2. Perhaps what troubles my heart will vanish
For my mind has become a wandering stranger
٢. عَلَّ ما بالفُؤادِ يَذهَبُ عَنهُ
إِنَّ عَقلي أَمسى غَريباً مُراحا
3. Where is Layla, where is Layla, where is Layla
Did she make other men well while I'm sick?
٣. أَينَ لَيلى وَأَينَ لَيلى وَلَيلى
أَمرَضَت غَيرَنا رِجالاً صِحاحا
4. No lover like me clings to Layla
And meets death because of her departure
٤. لا تَرى عاشِقاً تَعَلَّقَ لَيلى
وَيُلاقي المَماتَ مِنها رَواحا
5. The cooing of the doves reminded me of her
The boughs echoed the call of those long gone
٥. هاجَ لي ذِكرَها حَمامُ هَديلٍ
ذُكِّرَ الإِلفَ في الغُصونِ فَناحا
6. Tughlib met the same fate as the people of Aad
When the horror of punishment came upon them one morning
٦. لَقِيَت تَغلِبٌ كَهَلكَةِ عادٍ
إِذ أَتاهُم هَولُ العَذابِ صَباحا
7. Their prophet warned them that day
And called them sincerely to God
٧. وَنَهاهُم نَبِيُّهُم يَومَ ذاكُم
وَدَعاهُم إِلى الإِلَهِ صُراحا
8. Yet we were banned from fighting Tughlib
And so the country was not safe from trials
٨. وَنَهَينا عَن حَربِنا تَغلِبَ العُش
وَ فَما عافتِ البَلا وَالمَتاحا
9. Before they saw the steeds of Bakr
The Indian swords or the spears
٩. دونَ أَن أَبصَرَت خُيولاً لِبَكرٍ
وَسُيوفاً هِندِيَّةً وَرِماحا
10. We killed men with sudden raids
When the vile one appeared at dawn
١٠. فَقَتَلنا بِوارِداتٍ رِجالاً
إِذ بَدا كاضِمُ الضَميرِ ضُباحا
11. The people met disgrace from us
As we ended the undying with slaughter
١١. وَلَقى القَومُ بِالذَنائِبِ منّا
إِذ كَشَفنا الخُلودَ مَوتاً ذُباحا
12. We captured their enemies and pretended
To have done it with an effortless hand
١٢. وَأَسَرنا عَدِيَّها وَاِصطَنَعنا
بِيَدٍ لَو أَثابَ مِنّا نَجاحا
13. They disrespected our patience, and when
They roused the argument, they were scattered
١٣. سَفَّهوا حِلمَنا فَلَمّا أَثاروا
لِلِقاءِ الكُماةِ طاحوا طِياحا
14. They met a fierce lion of the jungle
And a wild ass that kills the argumentative in battle
١٤. لَقوا أُسدَ غابَةٍ وَكُهولاً
وَقَناً تَصرَعُ الكُماةَ سِفاحا
15. They drive off the horses in the frenzy of war
And flee with swords bare of sheaths
١٥. يَطرُدونَ الخُيولَ في رَهَجِ النَق
عِ وَيفرونَ بِالسُيوفِ السِلاحا
16. They slandered our Sheikh Juheish
Dragging him out for battle again and again
١٦. سايَحوا شَيخَنا جُحَيشاً وَكانوا
كُلَّما أَخرَجوهُ لِلحَربِ ساحا
17. Though he disliked the situation he was in
Hoping the outcome would be favorable
١٧. وَلَقَد كانَ كارِهاً لِلَّذي كا
نَ رَجاءً بِأَن يَكونَ الرباحا
18. Yet without cause they struck Bujeer
Who had struggled against them when they found him
١٨. فَأَصابوا بُجَيرَ مِن غَيرِ جرمٍ
كانَ مِنهُ إِذ صادَفوهُ كِفاحا
19. They stained his garment and foolishly said
"You are the stirrup for Kulayb's saddle"
١٩. ضَرَّجوا ثَوبَهُ وَقالوا سَفاهاً
أَنتَ بِالشِسعِ مِن كُلَيبٍ صُراحا
20. So the fighting struck the skulls of Bakr
And in the morning their men were destroyed
٢٠. فَأَصابَ القِتالُ آنافَ بكرٍ
فَأَبادَت بِهِ الرِجالَ الصِباحا
21. Tughlib surged to restore Kulayb
But we crushed their heads where they fell
٢١. ورَجَت تَغلِبٌ تُعيدَ كُلَيباً
فَأَطَحنا سَراتَهُم حَيثُ طاحا
22. We left their women bereft
Wailing loudly in their grief
٢٢. قَد تَرَكنا نِساءَهُم مُعوِلاتٍ
مُعلِناتٍ مَعَ البُكاءِ النُواحا
23. After him remained the noble woman weeping
And the screeching camel calling out
٢٣. بَقِيَت بَعدَهُ الجَليلَةُ تَبكي
وَالخَرودُ العَيطاءُ تَدعو لَحاحا
24. We left young widows
And orphans drinking leftover broth
٢٤. وَتَرَكنا أُصَيبِياتٍ صِغاراً
وَذَرارى يَحتَسونَ القِراحا
25. The mark of the women was striking foreheads
While we hit the men with death blows
٢٥. كانَ سَهمُ النِساءِ جِباهٍ
وَأَجَلنا عَلى الرِجالِ القِداحا
26. We left the lands of Tughlib barren
And clipped the wings of the tyrants
٢٦. وَتَرَكنا دِيارَ تَغلِبَ قَفراً
وَكَسَرنا مِنَ الغُواةِ الجَناحا
27. The lion continued roaring words against us
After he was left isolated and violated
٢٧. وَتَرَ الزئرَ يَمعَجُ القَولَ فينا
بِعدَما صارَ مُفرَدا مُستَباحا
28. He is the worst of tribes, a deluded one
If only he had died before her and found rest
٢٨. هُوَ في الشَرِّ قبائِلٌ وَمُرَوٍّ
لَيتَهُ ماتَ قَبلَها فَاِستَراحا