1. My people, do not be far from those
Who are the poison of enemies and the plague of neighbors,
١. لا يَبعَدَن قَومي الَّذينَ هُمُ
سُمُّ العُداةِ وَآفَةُ الجُزرِ
2. Who descend into every battlefield
And bind their loins with purity,
٢. النازِلونَ بِكُلَّ مُعتَرَكٍ
وَالطَيَّبونَ مَعاقِدَ الأُزرِ
3. Who attack with drawn swords
And stab with spears of poetry,
٣. الضارِبونَ بِحَومَةٍ نَزَلَت
وَالطاعِنونَ بِأَذرُعٍ شُعرِ
4. Who mix their spittle into their drinks
And the rich among them with the poor,
٤. وَالخالِطون لُجَينَهُم بِنُضارِهِم
وَذَوي الغِنى مِنُهم بِذي الفَقرِ
5. If they drink they roar wildly and if they leave it
They moralize on the speech of estrangement,
٥. إِن يَشَربوا يَهَبوا وَإِن يَذَروا
يَتَواعَظوا عَن مَنطِقِ الهُجرِ
6. A people when they ride you hear from them
Nonsense and shouting and scolding,
٦. قَومٌ إِذا رَكِبوا سَمِعتَ لَهم
لَغَطاً مِنَ التَأييِه وَالزَجرِ
7. Without indecent speech that may be among them
In the offspring of pedigree horses and mares,
٧. مِن غَير ما فُحشٍ يَكونُ بِهِم
في مُنتَجِ المُهُرات وَالمُهر
8. They met their death in the morning
As their chopped necks were led to slaughter,
٨. لاقَوا غَداةَ قُلابَ حَتفَهُمُ
سَوقَ العَتيرِ يُساقُ لِلعَترِ
9. This is my elegy for them as long as I live
And when I die my grave will lament for me.
٩. هَذا ثَنائي ما بَقَيتُ لَهُم
فَإِذا هَلَكتُ أَجَنَّني قَبري