
Alas! The kings have perished and the slave of ‘Amr

ألا هلك الملوك وعبد عمرٍو

1. Alas! The kings have perished and the slave of ‘Amr
And Iraq is left to whoever desires it

١. أَلا هَلَكَ المُلوكُ وَعَبدُ عَمرٍو
وَخُلَّيَت العِراقُ لِمَن بَغاها

2. So how many fathers do you have, o son of Bishr
Who wore virtues and donned them

٢. فَكَم مِن وَالدٍ لَكَ يا بنَ بِشرٍ
تَأَزَّرَ بِالمَكارِمِ وَاِرتَداها

3. Your father Bishr built for you the lofty Marthad
Upon the magnificent peaks of its structures

٣. بَنى لَكَ مَرثَدٌ وَأَبوكَ بِشرٌ
عَلى الشُمَّ البَواذِخ مِن ذُراها