1. O Lord of abundant rain after drought
Of a migrant who suffered heat in barren Jumada,
١. يا رُبَّ غَيثٍ قَد قَرى عازِبٍ
أَجَشَّ أَحوى في جُمادى مَطير
2. It led a lean hyena, untiring,
To a camel, lamed, unable to take hurried steps.
٢. قادَ بِهِ أَجرَدُ ذو مَيعَةٍ
عَبلاً شَواهُ غَيرُ كابٍ عَثور
3. It clothed the beast with its own garments
And gathered eggs by the brushwood.
٣. فَأَلبَسَ الوَحشَ بِحافاتِهِ
وَالتَقَطَ البَيضَ بِجَنبِ السَدير
4. That one hastens on maimed feet
Like the dying, bodies shriveled as matting.
٤. ذاكَ وَقِدماً يُعجِلُ البازِلَ ال
كَوماءَ بِالمَوت كَشِبهِ الحَصير
5. The people seek vengeance on it when orphaned,
And the suspicion of the radiant one was aroused.
٥. يَبغي عَلَيها القَومُ إِذ أَرمَلوا
وَساءَ ظَنُّ الأَلمَعِيَّ القرور
6. It mourned its companions, after gaining them as spoil,
Mourning its companions with good tidings.
٦. آب وَقَد غَنَّمَ أَصحابَهُ
يَلوِي عَلى أَصحابِهِ بِالبَشير