1. Alas, may your mother lose you, slave of Amr
You have made friends with despicable kings
١. أَلا ثَكِلَتكَ أُمُّكَ عَبدَ عَمرٍو
أَبالخِزيات آخَيتَ المُلوكا
2. They tricked you into shedding blood
And if they had asked, you would have given them clothes
٢. هُمُ دَحُّوكَ لِلوَرِكَين دَماً
وَلَو سَأَلوا لأَعطَيت البُروكا
3. So your day is with a wretched prostitute
Whose smile at daybreak is like wilted flowers
٣. فَيَومُكَ عِندَ مومَسَةٍ هَلوكٍ
كَصِلَّ الرَّجع مِزهَرُها ضَحوكا