
My reproaches to a cheek whose rose I tend,

أعاذلتي على رزءٍ أفيقي

1. My reproaches to a cheek whose rose I tend,
Whose rose cheek tints me with reproach so fair.

١. أَعاذِلَتي عَلى رُزءٍ أَفيقي
فَقَد أَشرَقتِني بِالعَذلِ ريقي

2. By grief I swear, when joy has passed away,
On life that dies nor leaves a friend to care.

٢. أَلا أَقسَمتُ آسى بَعَد بِشرٍ
عَلى حَيًّ يَموتُ وَلا صَديقِ

3. By grief I swear, when joy has passed away,
On life that dies nor leaves a friend to care.

٣. فلا وأبيك آسى بعد بشرٍ
على حيٍّ يموت ولا صديقِ

4. And after right, Alkamah comes to mind,
When souls go down where death his feast doth deck.

٤. وَبَعدَ الخَير عَلقَمَةَ بنِ بِشرٍ
إِذا نَزَتِ النُفوسُ إِلى الحُلوقِ

5. And after right, round Bishr the Bani Dubya,
As trunks of trees incline when fires attack.

٥. وَبَعدَ بَني ضُبَيعَةَ حَولَ بِشرٍ
كَما مالَ الجُذوعُ مِنَ الحَريقِ

6. Round Bishr inclined the Bani Dubya's host,
As trunks of trees when flames drive on their track.

٦. ومال بنو ضبيعة بعد بشرٍ
كما مالَ الجذوع من الحلوقِ

7. On them alighted death with lowering wings
By Kullab's side, and on time's page did smack.

٧. مُنَت لَهُمُ بِوالِبَةَ المَنايا
بِجَنبِ قُلابَ لِلحَينِ المَسوقِ

8. By Kullab many a joint and gaping skull,
Of trusted friends, of gentle breeding slack.

٨. فَكَم بِقُلابَ مِن أَوصالِ خِرقٍ
أَخى ثِقَةٍ وَجُمجُمَةٍ فَليقِ

9. Too late the kings, that find at last their friends
False, and the cup of life yields bitterest smack.

٩. نَدامى لِلمُلوكِ إِذا لَقوهُم
حُبوا وَسُقوا بِكَأسِهِمُ الرَحيقِ

10. They rent their noses and their shame did gash,
My throat henceforth tastes not sweet friendship's snack.

١٠. هُمُ جَدَعوا الأُنوفَ وَأَوعَبوها
فَما يَنساغُ لي مِن بَعدُ ريقي