1. The clamor made the sons of Asad more resolute
When meeting the warriors, warrior-like were they.
١. سَمِعَت بَنو أَسَدَ الصِياحَ فَزادَها
عِندَ اللِقاءِ مَعَ النِفار نِفارا
2. And they saw the horsemen of Sulaybah's Wail
Who, when the swords flashed, stood firm in the fray.
٢. وَرَأَت فَوارِسَ مِن صُلَيبَةِ وائِلٍ
صَبَروا إِذا نَقعُ السَنابِكِ ثارا
3. White bones that seemed to kindle, in their breasts
A blaze, as though fanned in the pardoner's fire.
٣. بيضاً يُحَزَّزنَ العِظامَ كَأَنمَّا
يوقِدنَ في حَلَقِ المَغافِرِ نارا