
I see the slave of Amr has slain his cousin

أرى عبد عمرو قد أساط ابن عمه

1. I see the slave of Amr has slain his cousin
And cooked him in a boiling pot though unaware

١. أَرى عَبدَ عَمرٍو قَد أَساطَ ابنَ عَمَّهِ
وَأَنضَجَهُ في غَليِ قَدرٍ وَما يَدري

2. Why not instead you killed Ibn Haschas and Ma'bad
Who left you featherless and plucked bare

٢. فَهَلاّ اِبنَ حَسحاسٍ قَتَلتَ وَمَعبَداً
هُما تَركاكَ لا تَريشُ وَلا تَبري

3. They stabbed your master in the back in his retreat
Yet you proceed unflinching, your tears flowing unchecked

٣. هُما طَعَنا مَولاكَ في خَرجِ دُبرِهِ
وَأَقَبلتَ ما تَلوي عَلى مَحجَرٍ تَجري