
I asked the ruins about their beauty

هلا سألت معالم الأطلال

1. I asked the ruins about their beauty
And lines worn down by the passage of time

١. هلا سألت معالم الأطلال
والرسم بعد تقادم الأحوالِ

2. Awakening longing with their faded art
And how could this mute question not excite?

٢. دِمناً تهيج رسومها بعد البلى
طرباً وكيف سؤال أعجم بالي

3. They walk with the gait of sand grouse in love
Bellies swaying beneath their flowing robes.

٣. يمشين مشي قطا البطاح تأوَّداً
قبُّ البطون رواجح الأكفالِ

4. Their glances pierce hearts, yet nothing is seen
But a passion slain by no arrow.

٤. يرمين بالحدق القلوب فما ترى
إلا صريع هوى بغير نبالِ

5. The talk of every lovely maid is sweet
Neither coarse nor pretentious.

٥. من كل آنسة الحديث حييةٍ
ليس بفاحشة ولا متفالِ

6. Her wildest ways, when you meet her,
Are but household tasks or children's games.

٦. أقصى مذاهبها إذا لاقيتها
في الشهر بين أسرة وحجالِ

7. And her spittle, when she wakes, is like
Honey or the juice of ripe dates.

٧. وتكون ريقتها إذا نبهتها
كالشهد أو كسُلاف الجريالِ

8. When they come to visit, their steps seem to lift
From the mud as if on wings.

٨. وإذا أردن زيارة فكأنما
ينقلن أرجلهن من أوحال

9. For fifteen pilgrimages he led armies
While his sons were busy with their own affairs

٩. قاد الجيوش لخمس عشرة حجة
ولداته عن ذاك في اشغال

10. Their worries and concerns absorbed them
As did the plans of kings and deeds of heroes.

١٠. قعدت بهم هِمَّاتهم وسمت به
همم الملوك وسورة الأبطال

11. And so al-Muhalhil lived among them
Baring his grinned teeth, a model to all

١١. فكأنما عاش المهلب بينهم
باغرَّ قاس مِثالَه بمثال

12. In his fist were the poems of every poet
On the day of boasting and clash of swords.

١٢. في كفه قصباتُ كل مقلد
يوم الرهان وفوز كل نصالِ

13. Whenever I weigh you against that band
And weigh them against you, alone,

١٣. ومتى أزنك بمعشر وأزنهم
بك أُلْفِ وزنَك أرجح الأثقالِ