
I have attained my desire, though not by the commonly trod path,

فأوفقت دوني بغير المراط

1. I have attained my desire, though not by the commonly trod path,
Nor above, from what I heaped up in the pitcher.

١. فأوفقت دوني بغير المِراط
ولا الفوق مما حشوت الجفيرا

2. Raised up like the Pleiades at nightfall
And the horizon of the new moon rising at nightfall.

٢. مرفوعة مثل نوء السماك
وأفق غرة شهرلشهر نحيرا

3. Your origin was not for me when you came into being,
Like the Pleiades, confused and wavering.

٣. ولم يك نشؤك لي إذ نشأت
كنوء الزَّبَاني عجاجاً ومورا

4. But your star, Fortunate One,
Rained down upon my land copious, gentle rain.

٤. ولكن نجمك سعد السعود
طبقت أرضي غيثاً درورا