1. For life, a man's people are his best legacy
Though they ride every ship against him
١. لعمري لقوم المرء خير بقية
عليه وإن عالوا به كل مركبِ
2. If you are among the hostile people, you are not one of them
So feed on the good and bad they offer
٢. إذا كنت في قوم عدي لست منهم
فكل ما عُلِفتَ من خبيث وطيّبِ
3. And if your soul tells you that you're able
To do what men's hands can do, then try it
٣. وإن حدثتك النفس إنك قادر
على ما حوت أيدي الرجال فجرِّبِ