
After the blessed raid,

وبعد في غزوة كانت مباركة

1. After the blessed raid,
whose clouds watered people's crops and harvested them,

١. وبعدُ في غزوة كانت مباركةً
تروى زراعة أقوام وتحتصدُ

2. whose heavy rain captured an elephant,
and when winter approached, made Sughd shiver.

٢. نالت غمامتُها فيلاً بوابلها
والسُغْد حين دنا شؤوبها البردُ

3. He still had plenty of booty to distribute
with no fear or sorrow in the shares.

٣. إذ لا يزال له نهبٌ يُنفِّله
من المقاسم لا وُخشٌ ولا نكدُ

4. These are the openings proven by their argument
to the Caliph, we are the mobilized troops.

٤. تلك الفتوح التي تدلي بحجتها
على الخليفة أنا معشر حُشُدُ

5. You did not turn your face from the people you raided
until it was said they are far, and they were far.

٥. لم تثن وجهك عن قوم غزوتهم
حتى يقال لهم بُعْدا وقد بعِدوا

6. You were not pleased if their fortress was impregnable
until the One, the Eternal was glorified in it.

٦. لم ترض من حِصنهم أن كان ممتنِعاً
حتى يُكَبَّرُ فيها الواحدُ الصمدُ