
For a despondent passionate heart

من لقلب متيم مستهام

1. For a despondent passionate heart
Other than youthfulness and dreams

١. مَن لِقَلبٍ مُتَيَّمٍ مُستَهَامِ
غَيرِ ما صَبوةٍ ولا أحلاَمِ

2. No visitors or remembrances of love
With cheeks as bright as statues

٢. طَارِقَات ولا ادِّكار غوان
واضحاتِ الخدودِ كالآرامِ

3. Rather it is my love which I conceal and confess
For the branches of Hashim, the best of people

٣. بل هَوَايَ الذي أُجِنُّ وأُبدي
لِبَنِي هَاشِمٍ فُرُوعِ الأنَامِ

4. For both the near dripping with dew and the distant
Safe from the injustice of authority's reins

٤. لِلقَرِيبِينَ من نَدَىً والبَعِيدِي
نَ من الجَورِ في عُرى الأَحكَامِ

5. And for those who err what people have mistaken
And who establish the foundations of Islam

٥. والمُصِيبِينَ بابَ ما أَاخطَأَ النَّا
سُ ومُرسِي قَوَاعِدِ الإِسلاَمِ

6. The protectors, the sufficient in war, when
War has ignited its lightning, its fuel lightning

٦. والحُمَاةُ الكُفَاةُ في الحَربِ ان
لَفَّ ضِرَاماً وَقُودُها بِضِرَام

7. And the saviors, when people take refuge, so
The bosoms of the orphans are their sanctuary

٧. والغُيُوثِ الذينَ إِن أَمحَلَ النَّا
سُ فَمَأوَى حَوَاضِنِ الأيتَامِ

8. And the sufficient rulers if the course of events
Inclines to failure or perfection

٨. والوُلاَةِ الكُفَاةِ للأَمر ان طَرَّ
ق يَتناً بِمُجهَضٍ أو تَمَامِ

9. And the curers of maladies, the perplexed
And those who arrive at dark valleys

٩. والأُسَاةِ الشُّفَاةِ للداءِ ذِي الرِّيبَ
ةِ والمُدرِكيِنَ بالأَوغَامِ

10. And the narrators through whom people carry
And the market of grand, lofty books

١٠. والرَّوَايَا التي بِهَا يَحمِلُ النَّا
سُ وُسُوقَ المُطَبَّعَاتِ العِظَامِ

11. And the seas that reveal freedom and cure
The diseases of times in constant motion

١١. والبُحُورِ التي بها تُكشَفُ الحِرَّ
ةُ والداءُ من غَلِيلِ الأَوَامِ

12. For many good, pure people
Truthful, piercing like an arrow's point

١٢. لكثيرينَ طَيّبينَ من النَّا
سِ وبَرِّينَ صادقينَ كشرامِ

13. With faces as bright as moons and noble ancestors
Mediators of glorious lineage

١٣. وَاضِحِي أَوجُهٍُ كَرِيمِي جُدُودٍ
وَاسِطِي نِسبَةٍ لِهَام فَهَامِ

14. For the humble so the humble
Of noble birth between hills and hills

١٤. للذُّرَى فالذُّرَى من الحَسَبِ الثَّا
قِبِ بَينَ القَمقَامِ فالقَمقَامِ

15. Balanced, just, of perfect conduct
Judicious in grave affairs

١٥. رَاجِحِي الوَزنِ كَامِلِي العَدلِ في
السِيرةِ طَبِيِّن بالأُمورِ الجِشَامِ

16. They surpassed people in speaking and
Ancient are they among the early ones

١٦. فَضّلُوا النَّاسَ في الحَدِيثِ حَدِيثاً
وَقَدِيماً في أوّلِ القُدَّامِ

17. Benefitting, reconciling, calming gusts
Not separations or breaches

١٧. مُستَفِيدِينَ مُتلِفِينَ مَوَاهِي
بَ مَطَاعِيمَ غَيرِ ما أبرَامِ

18. Modest, preferring, forgiving overlooks
On tranquil Thursday mornings

١٨. مُستَعِفِّينَ مُفضِلينَ مَسَامِي
حَ مراجِيحَ في الخَمِيسِ اللُّهَامِ

19. And shining stars for visitors
Though they conceal the flaws of speech

١٩. ومَدَارِيكَ لِلذُّحُولِ مَتَارِي
كَ وإِن أُحفِظُوا لعُورِ الكَلاَمِ

20. Their love does not permit foolishness of tongue
Nor does it allow condemnation on the day of condemnation

٢٠. لا حُبَاهُم تُحَلُّ للمَنطِقِ الشَّغ
ب ولا لِلِّطَامِ يوم اللِّطَامِ

21. Slow, easy, like the starry sky
With planets and flags

٢١. أَبطَحِيِّيينَ أريَحِيينَ كالأَن
جُمِ ذاتِ الرُّجُومِ والأَعلاَمِ

22. Victorious, Hashimites in knowledge
They drank from the watering place of the Knowing

٢٢. غَالِبِيّينَ هاشِمِيّينَ في العِلـ
ـمِ رَبَوا مِن عَطِيَّةِ العَلاَّمِ

23. And purified in compatibilities, unadulterated
Rumbling pluralities like Syrian sheep

٢٣. وَمُصَفَّينَ في المَنَاسِبِ مَحضِي
نَ خِضَمِّينَ كالقُرُومِ السَّوَامِي

24. And when war brandished its lightning
And passions marched to other passions

٢٤. وإذا الحَربُ أومَضَت بِسَنَا البر
قِ وَسَارَ الهُمَامُ نَحوَ الهُمَامِ

25. And I saw the Pleiades incline
With the broken Five O'clock Star cluster

٢٥. ورأيتُ الشريجَ يَحنِنَّ والنَّب
عَ بِمَكسُورَةِ الظُّهَارِ اللُؤَامِ

26. They are the lions in battle, not the scavengers
Between filthy dens and thickets

٢٦. فَهُمُ الأُسدُ في الوَغَى لاَ اللَّواتي
بين خِيسِ العَرِينِ والآجَامش

27. Lions of war, saviors of droughts, heroes
Responders, not merely those who promise and vanish

٢٧. أُسدُ حَربٍ غُيوثُ جَدبٍ بَهَالِي
لُ مَقَاوِيلُ غَيرُ ما أفدَامِ

28. No fleeing in battles, no dissipations
And they are the trustworthy in command

٢٨. لا مَهَاذِيرَ في النَّدِيّ مَكَاثِي
رَ ولا مُصمَتِينَ بالإِفحَامِ

29. Through their piety, a rope that does not break
And they respond, receive the call, and protect

٢٩. سَادةٍ ذَادةٍ عن الخُرَّدِ البِيـ
ـضِ إذا اليَومُ كانَ كالأَيَّامِ

30. The quality of composure and seriality
They allow what is permitted, forbid what is banned

٣٠. وَمَغَايِيرَ عِندَهُنَّ مَغَاوِي
رَ مَسَاعِيرَ لَيلَة الإِلجَامِ

31. Leaders, not like those who view all people
And cattle equally without distinction

٣١. لا مَعَازِيلَ فِي الحُرُوبِ تَنَابِيـ
ـلَ ولا رَائِمِينَ بَوَّ اهتِضَامِ

32. Not like a king's servant, nor Walid
Nor Sulayman later, nor Hisham

٣٢. وَهُمُ الآخِذُونَ من ثِقَةِ الأَم
رِ بِتَقوَاهُمُ عُرَىً لا انفِصَامِ

33. They see them unlike those with three locks of hair
See dissipations in the darkest gloom

٣٣. وَالمُصِيبُونَ والمُجِيبُونَ للدَّعو
وَةِ والمُحرِزُونَ خَصلَ التَّرامِيـ

34. Special to the wooly robe, choosing
The soft fabric, abandoning fraud and babble

٣٤. ـومُحِلُّونَ مُحرِمُونَ مُقِرُّو
نَ لِحِلٍّ قَرَارَةً وحَرَامِ

35. Who dies does not die missed
And who lives is not without family or blame

٣٥. سَاسَةٌ لا كَمَن يَرَى رَعيَةَ النَّا
سِ سَوَاءً وَرِعيَةَ الأَنعَامِ

36. If the living ransomed the dead, I would say
My soul and my sons are ransom for those bones

٣٦. لا كَعَبدِ المَلِيكِ أو كَوَلِيدٍ
أو سُلَيمَانَ بَعدُ أو كَهِشَامِ

37. Of good origin, good lineage
In ancestry and branch, Yathribi piercing

٣٧. رَيُه فِيهِمُ كَرَأي ذَو الثُلَّةِ
في الثَائِجَاتِ جُنحَ الظَّلاَمِ

38. Abtahi in Mecca, God illuminated
Through him the blindness and darkness

٣٨. جَزُّ ذِي الصُّوفِ وانتِقَاءٌ
لِذِي المُخَّةِ وانعَق وَدَعدَعاً بالبِهَامِ

39. And he migrated from it to Yathrib
To a dwelling, not another house

٣٩. مَن يَمُت لا يَمُت فَقِيداً ومن يَحـ
ـيَى فلا ذُو إلٍ ولا ذُو ذِمَامِ

40. A migration from Aus and Khazraj
The people of discord and thickets

٤٠. فَهُمُ الأَقرَبُونَ مِن كُلِّ خَيرٍ
وَهُمُ الأَبعَدُونَ من كُلِّ ذَامِ

41. Not befriending the world with a name of truth
Lasting, his glory lasts, survives greetings of peace

٤١. وَهُمُ الأَرأَفُونَ بالنَّاسِ في الرَّأ
فَةِ والأَحلَمُونَ في الأَحلاَمِ

42. The one with two wings and the son of Hala among them
The lion of God and the wordy defender

٤٢. بَسَطُوا أَيدِيَ النَّوَالِ وكَفُّوا
أيديَ البَغيِ عَنهُمُ والعُرَامِ

43. Not a cousin seen like this, nor an uncle like that, the best of uncles
And the successor to whom the towering

٤٣. أخَذُوا القَصدَ واستَقَامُوا عَلِيهِ
حِينَ مَالت زَوامِلُ الآثَامِ

44. Thaqafi leaned his unswaying throne
He was the people of chastity, glory, and good

٤٤. عِيَزَاتُ الفَعَألِ والحَسَبِ العَو
دِ إليهم مَحطُوطَةُ الأَعكَامِ

45. And annulling affairs and covenant
And the successor, the guardian, the knowing knight beneath whom

٤٥. أُسرَةُ الصَّادِق الحَديثِ أبي القَا
سِمِ فَرعِ القُدَامِسِ القُدَّامِ

46. Necks were humbled without conceit
How many for him then how many slain

٤٦. خَيرِ حَيّ وَمَيّتٍ من بَنِي آ
دَمَ طُرَّاً مَأمُومِهم والإِمَامِ

47. Beneath the trellises oozing blood
A physician he was, and we lost him

٤٧. كَان مَيتاً جِنَازَةً خَيرُ مَيتٍ
غَيَّبَتهُ حَفَائِرُ الأقوَامِ

48. And the loss of the oil-seller is the ruin of the lamps
His loss struck us and leveled us

٤٨. وَجَنِينَاً وَمُرضِعاً ساكِنَ المَه
دِ وبَعدَ الرِّضَاعِ عِندَ الفِطَامِ

49. To the ground with a mingling of grief
After following the path of gentle hills, it scattered us

٤٩. خَيرُ مُستَرضَعٍ وَخَيرُ فَطِيمٍ
وَجَنِينٍ أُقِرَّ في الأَرحَامِ

50. In different directions
He twice unsheathed the sword from its scabbard

٥٠. وَغُلاَماً وناشِئاً ثم كَهلاً
خَيرُ كَهلٍ وَنَاشِىءٍ وغُلامِ

51. When the moment was like studded pearls
Against dissenters, misguided from God's path

٥١. انقَذَ الله شِلوَنَا من شَفا النَّ
ار بِهِ نِعمَةً من المِنعَامِ

52. And confounded gamblers with arrows
And the successor to the successor, of excellent character

٥٢. لَو فَدَى الحَيُّ مَيِّتاً قُلتُ نَفسِي
وَبَنِيَّ الفِدى لِتِلكَ العِظامِ

53. Repelling disputants on the day of dispute
And one murdered in childhood, betrayed

٥٣. طَيِّبب الأصلِ طَيِّب العُودِ في البِن
يَة والفَرعِ يَثرِبِيُّ تَهَامِي

54. Among the rabble of a nation and riffraff
Birds perched on him like fallen corpses

٥٤. أبطَحِيٌّ بِمَكَّةَ استَثقَبَ الِلَّ
هُ ضِيَاءَ العَمَى به والظَّلاَمِ

55. With dust from the soil scattering
And the widows prolonged their sitting

٥٥. وإلى يَثرِبَ التَّحَوُّلَ عَنها
لِمَقَامٍ عَن غَيرِ دار مُقامِ

56. After rising, tarrying in their places
Recognizing a free face upon which

٥٦. هِجرَةٌ حُوِّلت من الأوسِ والخَز
رَجِ أهلِ الفَسِيلِ والآطَامِ

57. The Pleiades were visible, and a mole
The pretenders killed when they killed him

٥٧. غَيرَ دُنيَا مُحَالِفاً واسمَ صِدقٍ
بَاقِياً مَجدُهُ بَقَاءَ السَّلامِ

58. The most generous of those who head to the clouds
And the Prophet's namesake among the people of the vale

٥٨. ذُو الجَنَاحَينِ وابنُ هالةَ مِنهُم
أسَدُ الله والكَمِيُّ المُحَامِيـ

59. The pursued, the pilgrim performing sacred rites
And the father of excellence, remembering them

٥٩. ـلا ابنُ عَمٍّ يُرَى كهذا ولا عَ
مٌّ كهَذَاك سَيِّد الأَعمَامِ

60. Is healing for my maladies, an alleviation
Through them I had hope for the distant cousin

٦٠. والوَصِيُّ الذي أمَالَ التَّجُو
بِيُّ بِهِ عَرشَ أُمَّةٍ لانهِدَامِ

61. And accused the near in plummeting blame
He spoke the truth to people at Hunain with a blow

٦١. كانَ أهلَ العَفَافِ والمَجدِ والخَيـ
ـرِ ونَقضِ الأُمُورِ والإِبرَامِ

62. That radiated from it like the Pleiades
And I grasped from whoever grasped

٦٢. والوَصِيُّ الوَلِيُّ والفارِسُ المُعـ
ـلِمُ تَحتض العَجَاجِ غَيرُ الكَهامِ

63. Their honor, while my own gloom diminished
I saw the noble degraded in the eyes of the people

٦٣. كَم لَهُ ثم كَم لَهُ من قَتِيلٍ
وَصَرِيعٍ تَحتَ السَّنَابِكِ دَامِيـ

64. And lacking in reserve, diminishing my propriety
Announcing to the announcers, secretly pleased

٦٤. ـوَخَمِيسٍ يَلُفُّهُ بِخَمِيسٍ
وفِئَامٍ حَوَاهُ بَعدَ فِئَامِ

65. With the secretive, without ignoring my standing
Revealing my lenience for the observant

٦٥. وَعَمِيدٍ مُتَوَّجٌ حُلَّ عَنهُ
عُقَدُ التَّاجِ بالصَّنِيعِ الحُسَامِ

66. By God, my strength and steadfastness
I do not care if I keep safe in them

٦٦. قَتَلوا يَومض ذَاك إِذ قَتلُوهُ
حَكَمَاً لا كَغَابِر الحُكَّامِ

67. Abu al-Qasim from the blame of blamers
I do not and will never care for them

٦٧. رَاعِيَاً كانَ مُسجِحَاً فَفَقَدنَا
هُ وَفَقدُ المُسِيمِ هُلكُ السَّوَامش

68. Defying angry dissenters forevermore
For they are my sect and share among the nation

٦٨. نَالَنَا فَقدُهُ وَنَالَ سِوَانَا
بِاجتِدَاعٍ مِنَ الأُنُوفِ اصطِلامِ

69. Enough for me apart from all other shares
If I die I do not die bereaved

٦٩. وأًشِتَّت بِنَا مَصَادِرُ شَتَّى
بَعدَ نَهجِ السَّبِيلِ ذِي الآرَامِ

70. And if I live I am not without family or sin
Equitable to others among people, purely

٧٠. جَرَّدَ السَّيفَ تَارَتَينِ من الدَّه
رِ على حِينِ دِرَّةٍ من صَرَامِ

71. Through them, no worries disturb me, no concerns perturb me
I have not sold my faith for profit

٧١. في مُرِيدِينَ مُخطِئِينَ هُدَى الل
هِ وَمُستَقسِمِينَ بالأَزلاَمِ

72. Nor have I been duped by imposters
God has purified for me my passion so I am not pulled away

٧٢. وَوَصِيُّ الوَصِيَّ ذِي الخُطَّةِ الفَص
لِ وَمُردِي الخُصُومِ يَومَ الخِصَامِ

73. And my arrows do not swerve
And delirium has diverted my soul to them

٧٣. وَقَتِيلٌ بالطَّفِ غُودِرَ منهُ
بَينَ غَوغاءِ أُمّةٍ وَطَغَامِ

74. Diverted from the taste of food
I wish I knew, will I reach them

٧٤. تَركَبُ الطَّيرَ كالمَجَاسِدِ مِنهُ
مَعَ هَابٍ من التُّرَابِ هَيَامِ

75. Or will my destiny impede that meeting?
If the noted book is carried with me

٧٥. وَتُطِيلُ المُرَزَّءاتُ المَقَالِي
تُ عَلَيهِ القُعُودض بَعدَ القِيَامِ

76. It will dispel my two worries with worries
A mare marked with smears, black stains

٧٦. يَتَعَرَّفنَ حُرَّ وَجهٍ عَلَيهِ
عُقبَةُ السَّروِ ظَاهِراً والوَسَامِ

77. Disheveled, refractory, silent in her rebellion
Connecting the wastes to the desolate valleys, connected

٧٧. قَتَلَ الأدعِيَاءُ إِذ قَتَلُوهُ
أكرَمَ الشَّارِبِينَ صَوبَ الغَمَامِ

78. Torn, speckled, in ruins and rubble
Repelled by barrenness, bank to bank

٧٨. وَسَمِيُّ النَّبِيِّ بالشِّعبِ ذِي الخَيـ
ـفِ طَرِيدُ المُحِلِّب الأحرَامِ

79. And earnestness to earnestness after earnestness
In howdahs like the energetic songbird

٧٩. ـوأَبُو الفَضلِ إنَّ ذِكرَهُم الحُلـ
ـوُ بِفِيَّ الشِّفَاءُ للأَسقَامِ

80. Cheeping over carrion and ostrich meat
Accompanying the emaciated, quick to weaken

٨٠. فِيهُمُ كُنتُ للبَعِيدِ ابنَ عَمٍّـ
ـوَاتَّهَمتُ القَرِيبَ أيَّ اتِّهَامِ

81. After yearning, tied with rope
Rejecters in selves, knowers in spirits

٨١. صَدَقَ النَّاسَ في حُنَينَ بِضَربٍ
شَابَ منه مَفَارِقُ القُمقَامِ

82. With eyes seeking harmony
I do not care if the heel of my slipper frays away to them

٨٢. وَتَنَاوَلتُ من تَنَاوَلَ بالغِيـ
ـبَةِ أعرَاضَهم وَقَلَّ اكتِتامي

83. And the straps of my sandals snap
Falsehood will be rejected there, and those who love

٨٣. وَرَأَيتُ الشَّرِيفَ فِي أعيُنِ القَو
مِ وَضِيعاً وَقَلَّ مِنهُ احتِشَامِي

84. Greetings will be loved, the people of greetings

٨٤. مُعلِناً للمُعَالِنين مُسرَّاً
للمُسِرِّينَ غَيرَ دَحضِ المَقَامِ