
I will cry for you, for this life and faith, I swear

سأبكيك للدنيا وللدين إنني

1. I will cry for you, for this life and faith, I swear
I saw the hand of kindness after you was paralyzed

١. سأبكيك للدنيا وللدِّين إِنني
رأيت يدُ المعروف بعدك شُلَّتِ

2. So may the angels of Allah greet you with peace
The honorable ones prayed and connected with you

٢. فدامتْ عليك بالسلام تحيةً
ملائكةُ الله الكرام وَصلَّتِ

3. So which young man of faith and life have you touched
With the steps of yearning, death has guided you

٣. فأيَّ فتى دين ودنيا تلمست
بدَبْر حَنِيناء المنايا فدُلتِ

4. The world was disrupted by him after his death
And it was for us once adorned by him

٤. تعطلت الدنيا به بعد موته
وكانت لنا حيناً به قد تحلَّتِ