
Why did your specter visit me discreetly

ما بال طيفك زار محتشما

1. Why did your specter visit me discreetly
If he had not visited, he would not have been blamed

١. ما بال طيفك زار محتشماً
لو لم يزر ما كان متهما

2. He came while the guard was asleep, unaware
And the night had spread its curtains

٢. وافى وقد نام السمير وما
شعر الرقيب به ولا علما

3. And the dawn had not yet unfurled its banners
I wished the night would lengthen

٣. والليل قد مدت ستائره
والصبح لم ينشر له علما

4. And the dawn would not break smiling
O specter of intimacy, you have reached me

٤. فوددت أن الليل طال وأ
ن الصبح لم يفتر مبتسماً

5. Despite the slanderers' disapproval out of love as a mercy
I remained submissive since we parted

٥. يا طيف علوة قد وصلت على
رغم الوشاة من الهوى رحما

6. And separation mixed tears with blood
So I became enraged and feverish

٦. ما زلت أخضع يوم فرقته
والبين قد مزج الدموع دما

7. And his mouth made me permissible, though it was forbidden
So I kissed him to stop him

٧. فتملت عضبا واختمرت
وأباحني فمه وكان حمى

8. From kissing me, smiling playfully
And I looked in the mirror that judges days

٨. فلثمت منه تمنعه
من لاثميه مبسماً شبما

9. Something the faults had made public
After today there is only our specters

٩. ونظرت في مرآة واعظة الا
يام شيئاً عمم اللمما

10. Among the righteous deeds going forward in service

١٠. ليس بعد اليوم إلا طيفنا
في الصالحات مقدما خدما