1. My love for you, O Abu Muslim
Is devoted to my beloved
١. إن غرامي يا أبا مسلم
الى غريمي في الهوى مسلمي
2. So do not ask on the day of intent about blood
That flowed from my eyelids like beads
٢. فلا تسل يوم النوى عن دمٍ
سال من الأجفان كالعندم
3. Until a gazelle appeared to me from Mina
Between the valley of Kheif and M’zam
٣. حتى بدت لي من منى ظبية
ما بين شعب الخيف والمأزم
4. I showed her a glance emptied of
Presence, so she was startled and made lawful my blood
٤. أعرتها طرف خلى من ال
وجد فغارت واستحلت دمي
5. So I said, and my eyelids were
Dripping from the sickness in them diseased
٥. فقلت والأجفان منهلة
من سقم في جفنها مسقمي
6. O gazelle, spare me
In a sacred state but for you unforbidden
٦. الله يا ظبية خيفي مني
في محرمٍ لولاك لم يحرم
7. I only made pilgrimage to meet you among
A group of those who meet you at the season
٧. وإنما حج ليلقاك في
جملة من يلقاك في الموسم
8. I divulged what Allah has forbidden of
Killing a devout ascetic in sacred garb
٨. أبحت ما حرمه الله من
قتل حنيف ناسكٍ محرم
9. Return his heart to him and you will be rewarded
And do not make my praise of his blood a sin
٩. ردي عليه قلبه تؤجري
ولا تسبيحي دمه تأثمي
10. Do not kill him for he has a party
The days have no power against their shelter
١٠. لا تقتليه فله معشر
ما الدهر من بأسهم محتمي