
You are generous, so extend your hand of generosity in giving

لك الخير فامدد كف جودك بالبذل

1. You are generous, so extend your hand of generosity in giving
And refrain your hand of giving from me, O asking hand

١. لك الخير فامدد كف جودك بالبذل
واكفف بكف البذل عنى يد المطل

2. And give abundantly to my like in an important matter that concerns him
Your gift, so you have no excuse to refrain from my like

٢. واجزل لمثلى فى مهم يهمه
عطاك فلا عذر لمثلك عن مثلى

3. And beware of forcing me to ask
For I see none deserving of merit other than you among my people

٣. وإياك أن تضطرنى فى لبانة
فلست أرى للفضل غيرك من أهلى

4. You have folded the sun of virtues and erased
The features of the virtuous and the meritorious

٤. فقد كورت شمس المكارم وانمحت
معالم أرباب الفضائل والفضل

5. And farewell to one who claims his merit while his merit has departed
And the age has girded itself with stinginess and ignorance

٥. وودع من قد يدعى الفضل فضله
وشد نطاق الدهر بالبخل والجهل

6. So be my helper in what you deserve
Of merit and upholding your word with action

٦. فكن لى معينا بالذى أنت أهله
من الفضل واستصحاب قولك بالفعل

7. So be my helper in thinking through every word
That shows you in the mirror of wisdom the image of reason

٧. فكن لى معينا الفكر فى كل لفظة
تريك بمرآة الذكا صورة العقل

8. A systematically composed poem like a pearl of pure words
And like the dawn, equally lucid in speech and deed

٨. نظام أتى كالدر من خالص القول
وكالصبح ضاهى فى المقالة والفعل

9. Issuing from an eloquent one, well-mannered, if he claimed it
A pure scion, graced with it, of good stock

٩. بدا من لبيب لوذعى مهذب
وفرع زكا أنعم به طاب من نجل

10. Named the Friend of God, the devout, the pious, who
Was distinguished by his devotion, and needless to mention, his reason

١٠. سمىُّ الخليل العابد الورع الذى
تميز بالتقوى وناهيك بالعقل

11. You have clarified for us from the ambiguous situation what was hidden
And shown a title that indicates merit

١١. وضحت لنا من غامض الحال ما خفى
وأبديت عنوانا يدل على الفضل

12. By reason one excels, not by appearance
And by pure virtue becomes excellent as an ideal

١٢. وبالعقل يسمو من سما لا بصورة
وبالعفة البيضاء يزكو على المثل

13. Your stringing hopes in us is guaranteed
By excellent choice, confirmed in my view without transmission

١٣. وعقدك للآمال فينا محقق
بحسن اختيار صح عندى بلا نقل

14. We have become poor, so favor us with acceptance
For an aspect of righteousness and connection you have aimed

١٤. فقر بنا عينا سنوليك بالرضى
لما رمته نوعا من البر والوصل

15. For now and hereafter, I will not be heedless
And success in matters is enough for you gradually

١٥. بحال وفيما بعد لست بغافل
وحسبك انجاح الامور على مهل