1. I have a complaint against fate, will it disappear?
And I have a right with it, will I get it?
١. على الدهر لى عتب فهل هو زائله
ولى عنده حق فهل أنا نائله
2. My luck stumbled between my fate and its people
So neither its people are loyal, nor is fate saying it
٢. تعثر حظى بين دهري وأهله
فلا أهله أهل ولا الدهر قائله
3. I will write with the ink of high ambitions
With the pen of my determination and opinion like it
٣. سأكتب فى طرس المعالى بهمة
لها قلم عزمى ورايى شاكله
4. And I will ask the days about my intention which
My fate demands of it and procrastinates it
٤. واستخبر الأيام عن قصدى الذى
يطالبها قدرى به وتماطله
5. So even if I pretended to be oblivious from myself
In the soul there is something, its signs are not hidden
٥. فانى وإن أبديت منى تغافلا
ففى النفس أمر ليس تخفى دلائله
6. It will be known, O friend, by one who was ignorant of it
And sees it with the sight of a wise eye
٦. سيعلمه يا صاح من كان جاهلا
به ويراه رؤية العين عاقله
7. Indeed, a lifetime I spent by the hand of passion
On providing for the family of heedlessness, increasing its disasters
٧. ألا أن عمرا أنفقته يد الهوى
على عيلة الغفلات غالت غوائله
8. So man is oblivious to the worth of his soul
And his ignorance in giving what he is giving
٨. فما أغفل الإنسان عن قدر نفسه
وأجهله في بذل ما هو باذله
9. It contains what nothing else
Can independently handle some of it except it, and its virtues spread among people
٩. تضمن ما لا يستقل ببعضه
سواه وشاعت فى الانام فضائله
10. So I am content with the deficiency after being characterized
By what the elements of perfection require of it
١٠. فانى رضى بالنقص بعد اتصافه
بما تقتضى منه الكمال عوامله
11. So man is ashamed of the virtue of his essence
And the deficiency he did has spread about him
١١. فواخجلة الانسان من فضل ذاته
وقد شاع عنه نقص ما هو فاعله
12. He wasted the precious lifetime, and murdered his end
He has repented from the allegiance he sold its killers to
١٢. أضاع نفيس العمر واغتال حتفه
لقد تب من بيعت عليه قواتله
13. The full moon of existence appeared to him after
Its first steps firmed in the corners of nonexistence
١٣. تجلى له بدر الوجود بعيد ما
ثوت فى زوايا العدم قدما أوائله
14. And it qualified him, whoever was best in making
The secrets of knowledge whose torches enlightened
١٤. وأهله من كان أحسن صنعة
لاسرار علم قد أضاءت مشاعله
15. So neither did knowledge contain him, nor did his soul protect him
Nor did his mind guard the fortress of deficiency
١٥. فلا العلم أوعاه ولا النفس صانها
ولا عقله عن معقل النقص عاقله
16. So oh how I wish when he did not win a virtue
He would be embarrassed to be clothed with humiliations
١٦. فيا ليته اذ لم يفز بفضيلة
تحرج أن تكسوه ذلا رذائله
17. Is it not troubling for man when time passes
While falsehood in him becomes strong?
١٧. أما فى ذهاب العمر للمرء مزعج
اذا فاته والمرء يشتد باطله
18. Yes, free souls are troubled by the breaths of an hour
Wasted in vain while knowledge is the purest of its springs
١٨. بلى تزعج الاحرار أنفاس ساعة
تفوت سدى والعلم صفو مناهله
19. Is not knowledge the elixir of happiness for the young man?
Is not knowledge honor that did not part from its carrier?
١٩. أما العلم اكسير السعادة للفتى
أما العلم عز لم يفارقه حامله
20. By my life, knowledge is his spirit and body
And the existence of the young man, and the mind, O friend, is its worker
٢٠. لعمرى ان العلم روح وجسمه
وجود الفتى والعقل يا صاح عامله