
O Jumblatt family, you have a house of glorious fame

بني جنبلاط لكم بيت مجدٍ

1. O Jumblatt family, you have a house of glorious fame
Ancient and lofty, with pillars strong and high

١. بني جنبلاط لكم بيت مجدٍ
قديم الفخار فخيم دعامه

2. Through you Ala’a Aldeen remains steadfast and strong
His strength enduring, his glory ever nigh

٢. فدام علاء العماد الذي
بكم لا يزال قويماً قواه

3. Your house ever flourishing, far as eyes can see
While you dwell in fortune, honored and held high

٣. ولا زال طول المدى عامراً
وأنتم بخيرٍ وعز كرامه

4. Good tidings of your newborn son to you I bring
A child to Sa’eed, of rank exalted and sublime

٤. فبشرى بمولودكم انه
لنجل سعيد رفيع مقامه

5. May he for your house ancestral fortune bring
With blessings abounding, enduring through time

٥. فدمتم لانجال انجاله
بحظ عظيم لديكم دوامه

6. May he live in safety, attaining all he desires
And grasping achievements, as he climbs

٦. وعاش بحفظ ونيل المنى
وحوز المعالي دواما مرامه

7. I congratulate you on his glory
And such respect from us is rightly thine

٧. وانا نهني به مجدكم
وذاك علينا يحق احترامه

8. When we heard the joyful news of his birth
We rejoiced, as songs rejoice the heart and mind

٨. ولما سمعنا بشيراً به
حبانا كما الحبور كلامه

9. We said: you have delighted the nobles' company
A newborn called Sa’eed, a jewel, the gem of your line

٩. فقلنا له قد سررت الملا
فارخ نجيبٌ سعيدٌ غلامه