
The youth's fine poetry shows his merit,

يدل على فضل الفتى حسن شعره

1. The youth's fine poetry shows his merit,
And the listener comes with abundant thanks.

١. يدل على فضل الفتى حسن شعره
وسامعه يأتي بوافر شكره

2. Like a collection of one who gained wisdom and guidance,
And in literature is peerless in his time.

٢. كديوان من حاز الدراية والهدى
ومن هو بالآداب واحد عصره

3. He is the virtuous scholar, the captive, who became
By revealing knowledge's symbols, Joseph of his Egypt.

٣. هو الفاضل الحبر الاسير الذي غدا
بكشف رموز العلم يوسف مصره

4. Consider the eloquence in his words,
You'll find him a lexicon overflowing with pearls.

٤. تأمل بما في قوله من بلاغةٍ
تجده كقاموس يجود بدره

5. His knowledge is like treasures deposited
For students' benefit in the treasure of his heart.

٥. معارفه مثل الذخائر أودعت
لفائدة الطلاب في كنز صدره

6. His eminent elders testified for him
With merit, and their integrity confirms his matter.

٦. واشياخه الاخيار قد شهدوا له
بفضل وزكتهم حقيقة أمره

7. And I, as they said, say, and did not conceal
The rebuke of envious whose words oppose his idea.

٧. واني كما قالوا اقول ولم اخف
عتاب حسود قوله ضد فكره

8. For I know that dawn, upon its emergence,
Narrows the heart of the universe from concealing his secret.

٨. لعلمي ان الصبح عند ظهوره
يضيق فؤاد الكون عن كتم سره

9. I see praising him an obligation upon me, and I have no
Way that takes me to the limit of enumerating his virtues.

٩. أرى مدحه فرضاً علي وليس لي
سبيلٌ يؤديني إلى حد حصره

10. And I did not increase him in status by extolling his verse,
But I am one who aids him.

١٠. وما زدته قدراً بتقريظ نظمه
ولكنني ممن يقوم بنصره

11. Moreover, what he initiated in it is sufficient
For one who does not know the extent of his sea.

١١. على ان ما ابداه فيه كفاية
لمن كان لا يدري بمقدار بحره

12. And if I wanted to occupy the line describing him
I would be like one who measured the sky with a span.

١٢. ولو رمت ان يستغرق الخط وصفه
لكنت كمن قاس السماء بشبره

13. But a hint suffices instead of prolixity,
Like a meadow whose fragrance guided us.

١٣. ولكن عن الاسهاب تكفي اشارة
كروض عليه دلنا طيب نشره

14. How much benefit his writings brought us!
And he got what we wished for him beyond his reward.

١٤. فكم جر نفعاً من تآليفه لنا
وقد ناله ما الثنا فوق اجره

15. And everyone who attained perfection,
From God, hopes He extends his life.

١٥. وكل امرئ حاز الكمال فانه
من الله يرجو ان يمد بعمره