
Fate decreed that we live according to destiny

جرى القضاء بأن نحيا إلى قدر

1. Fate decreed that we live according to destiny
So neither of us can be protected from that destiny

١. جرى القضاء بأن نحيا إلى قدر
فلا يقينا حمى من ذلك القدر

2. And since death is inevitable for those with a life span
There is little difference between long life and short

٢. وحيث لا بد من موت لذي اجل
فقلما الفرق بين الطول والقصر

3. People rejoice in the death of one who caused harm
And grieve for one who benefited without harm

٣. فيفرح الناس في موت لذي ضرر
ويحزنون لذي نفع بلا ضرر

4. Like Nasir al-Din, a star that passed away and told
Stories, a full moon that fell from the heavens into a grave

٤. كناصر الدين نجم من قضى فحكى
بدراً هوى من سماوات إلى حفر

5. They called him a star for his radiance on the horizon
And for being the most beautiful fruit on the branch

٥. سموه نجماً لمرباه بافق علا
وانه في السنا ابهى من الثمر

6. When does a blasphemer shine? When does one like him rise?
And who enjoys the meadows of life with his vigil?

٦. متى تضيء كفر متى بطلعته
ومنه تحظى نوادي الحي بالسمر

7. For the son of Yusuf, the star of glory, I grieve
Is it not sad the loss of the glorious danger?

٧. على ابن يوسف نجم المجد واسفا
أليس يؤسف فقد الماجد الخطر

8. A star lived among his tribe
And died while he was honorable, not despised

٨. قد عاش نجم في عشيرته
ومات وهو جليل غير محتقر

9. He lived being praised by those who knew him
And after death he still deserves praise

٩. فعاش بالمدح ممن كان عاشره
وانه بعد موت بالمديح حري

10. It is right to weep and wail deeply for his loss
Rather, praise to the names and the young women

١٠. له يحق البكا وجداً لفرقته
بل الثناء لدى الإمساء والبكر

11. Tears flowed for him while mourning
On cheeks, even clothes, like rain

١١. جرت عليه دموع في مناحته
على الخدود بل الأثواب كالمطر

12. All eyes brimmed with tears just as
All hearts were clouded over with grief

١٢. كل العيون تعشت بالدموع كما
كل القلوب تغشت فيه بالكدر

13. He left achievements though he died in this life
That do not cease their effect after the eyes are gone

١٣. ابقى وان مات في الدنيا مآثر لا
تنفك بعد ذهاب العين في الاثر

14. His virtues cannot be counted, a man of
Rare traits of character and supreme qualities

١٤. مكمل الوصف لا تحصى مكارمه
بحمل الذات في أوصافه الغرر

15. Those praises will forever enliven his memory
And one without memory is not respected

١٥. تلك المحامد تحيي ذكره ابداً
والمرء من غير ذكر غير معتبر

16. I swear by my right hand, his traits
Were, for all, beautiful beyond measure

١٦. مني يمين لقد ابدت شمائله
مع الجميع جميلاً غير منحصر

17. His relatives weep for news of him
As strangers weep for him when they hear the news

١٧. تبكي عليه على خبر اقاربه
كما الاباعد تبكيه على الخبر

18. And those who knew him, we asked about his ways
Did he have any shame except he was far from it?

١٨. وعارفيه سألناهم بسيرته
هل فيه عارو الا فهو منه عري

19. All together they said, in general he had
All that is beautiful and free of all faults

١٩. قالوا جميعاً على الاجمال كان به
كل الجميل ومن كل العيوب بري

20. No shame in him except for ignoring a poor man with what
Would sustain him forever, and ignoring a traveler with travels,

٢٠. لا عار فيه سوى ملقى الفقير بما
يغنيه دهراً وملقى السفر بالسفر

21. And his hastiness to help in every crisis
His readiness to help and give good news to people,

٢١. وغوته الملتجي في كل نازلة
وعونه المرتجي والبشر للبشر

22. And his fear, piety, and devotion to his Creator
And that he was quick to do good deeds,

٢٢. وخوفه ثم تقواه لخالقه
وانه في الأمور الصالحات جري

23. The only difference in life and thereafter
Is in good and evil deeds and their judgment,

٢٣. وانما الفرق في دنيا وآخرة
بالحسن والقبح في الاعمال والسبر

24. He was a man of kindness and wisdom
Of intelligence, merit, and experience

٢٤. وانه أهل معروف ومعرفة
وذو ذكاء وذو فضل وذو خبر

25. Trustworthy and true to his word, prudent and keen
Lofty in manner, sublime in station, honorable in secrecy

٢٥. وفي عهد ووعد حاذق فطن
سالي الدنا سالم سامي المقام سري

26. He led the highly ranked of his people from a young age
And gained glory among them into old age

٢٦. وساد في قومه العالين من صغر
وحاز فيهم ذرى مجد على كبر

27. His elegy became history and grieving as
The dove grieves for its companion lost in the trees

٢٧. وصار مرثاه تاريخاً وناح كما
ناح الحمام لفقد الألف في الشجر