
I stopped praising the people of this world,

فطمت يراعي عن مديح الورى طرا

1. I stopped praising the people of this world,
Except for those from the family of Zahra that I praise,

١. فطمت يراعي عن مديح الورى طرا
سوى ما يراعي من مديح بني الزهرا

2. They are the ones whom when you praise,
He rewards you in this life and makes you happy in the next,

٢. أولئك من يثني عليهم فانه
يجازي بذي الدنيا ويسعد في الاخرا

3. They are the most generous, the best offspring,
And the highest of people in every era and time,

٣. هم الاكرمون الغر خير سلالة
واعلى الورى في كل آونة قدرا

4. Praising the oppressors, even if they are high,
Is darkness and oppression that brings disgrace and poverty,

٤. وان مديح الظالمين ولو علوا
ظلام وظلم يورث الذل والفقرا

5. That is why I have specialized in praising a master,
Noble, generous, possessing glory and pride,

٥. لذلك قد خصصت بالمدح سيداً
شريفاً كريماً حائز المجد والفخرا

6. He is the virtuous, complete, Al-Hasani,
Whose praises come to his door continuously,

٦. هو الحسني الفاضل الكامل الذي
مدائحه تأتي إلى بابه تترا

7. My prince has attained leadership while young,
And was the freest of others in it,

٧. أمير لقد نال الإمارة يافعاً
وكان بها إذ ذاك من غيره احرا

8. So he continues in dignity and esteem, honored,
And in deeds for which he earns thanks and reward.

٨. فلا زال في عز وجاه مكرماً
وفي عمل يبقى له الشكر والاجرا