
My Master, your kindness has no equal

مولاي فضلك ما فضل يماثله

1. My Master, your kindness has no equal
For you are the most virtuous of this age

١. مولاي فضلك ما فضل يماثله
إذ أنت واحد هذا العصر فاضله

2. I implore you, fulfill what you have promised me
To hasten it for me, for the best deed is what is done promptly

٢. ارجوك اردوك في أمرٍ وعدت به
تعجيله لي فخير البر عاجله

3. For I have hardly earned any money with my hands this past year
And my thoughts have been preoccupied with making ends meet

٣. لانني منذ حول قلما كسبت
يداي مالا وفكري جل شاغله

4. My patience has worn thin and my chest feels tight
As I struggle to provide for my family, O my Master

٤. فضاق صدري وصبري قل عن عمل
بقوت من انا يا مولاي عائله

5. You have brought great prestige to the people of knowledge
And all who seek your kindness are made happy

٥. ودم ربيعاً لأهل العلم زدت علاً
وكل من رام فضلاً منك نائله

6. So you earn endless gratitude from all creation
And praise from those you bless with your generosity

٦. فتغنم الشكر من كل الورى ابداً
والمدح ممن بفضل أنت شامله

7. And the world continues to obey you
As you attain from its goodness what you desire

٧. ولا تزال لك الدنيا مطاوعةً
تنال من خيرها ما أنت آمله