
He has generously bestowed the highest rank to its rightful people

قد جاد بالرتبة الأولى لأهليها

1. He has generously bestowed the highest rank to its rightful people
Our Sultan, for he knows who deserves it

١. قد جاد بالرتبة الأولى لأهليها
سلطاننا فهو يدري مستحقيها

2. When a noble woman is gifted to a man worthy of her
He earns the gratitude of people for being her guide

٢. إن الكريمة إذ تهدى إلى رجل
كفوء لها نال شكر الخلق مهديها

3. And so now he has gifted her to one of noble lineage
Whose high station is further elevated by this honor

٣. لذلك الان اهداها لذي شرف
تزيد في شانه المرفوع تنويها

4. The Joumblatts of the world have all witnessed
That he is a man of great deeds, we narrate them

٤. الجنبلاطيء من كل الورى شهدت
بانه ذو معالٍ عنه نرويها

5. He claims lineage, for he has a pedigree
Like the radiant sun at dawn, no clouds can hide it

٥. يدعي نسيباً لان اضحى له نسب
كالشمس راد الضحى لا غيم يخفيها

6. Al-Sa'eed is his father, and Al-Bashir
His grandfather, so through them he has gained similarity

٦. ان السعيد ابوه والبشير له
جدٌّ لذا بهما قد حاز تشبيها

7. How excellent, they are roots from which have sprouted
Publicly, praises that cannot be counted

٧. يا حبذا هم اصول عنهم اشتهرت
جهراً محامد ليس العد يحصيها

8. He revived their glories with his good conduct
And one who preserves glory thus enlivens it

٨. احيا مآثرهم في حسن سيرته
ومثله من يحفظ المجد يحييها

9. How many glories of other fathers he has contained
Yet he did not safeguard them, though he kept reviving them

٩. وكم مآثر آباء سواه حوى
فلم يصنها ولكن ظل يحييها

10. Not everyone who attains high station is suited for it
Except the glorious one who continues to cultivate it

١٠. ما كل من أحرز العلياء كان لها
أهلاً سوى ماجد ما زال ينميها

11. As the kinsman of the lofty, his rank adorned him
And elevated it, honoring and entertaining him

١١. كما نسيب العلا قد زان رتبته
وزادها منه ترفيعاً وترفيها

12. A man of chastity, never tainted by greed
Nor evil, but rather characterized by piety

١٢. ذو عفة لم يشبها قط من طمع
ولم يشنها ولكن عف تنزيها

13. The abode of troubles, yet nobleness is what
His brothers embody, so he loves and values it

١٣. بابي المكاره لكن المكارم من
اخوانه فهو يهواها ويطريها

14. He has many fine traits, beautiful in their entirety
Yet he is unmatched in his time in possessing them

١٤. له مزايا جميلات بجملتها
لكنه مفرد في عصره فيها

15. With wisdom his rulings have flowed, and through them
All commands amongst people are enacted

١٥. بحكمة قد جرت احكامه وبها
كل الأوامر بين الناس يجريها

16. Justice, integrity, and goodness are ingrained
In his nature, which spontaneously displays them

١٦. والعدل والنضل والمعروف قد جبلت
فيها جبلته بالطبع يبديها

17. Vigilant at all times, straying not
From what is right, needing no reminder

١٧. يقظان في كل حال لا يحيد به
عن الصواب فلا يحتاج تنبيها

18. And the Shouf has prospered under his rule
Boasting proudly of his governance, wandering in it

١٨. والشوف أمسى خصيباً من إدارته
وقام مفتخراً في حكمه تيها

19. I congratulate him out of love for his good fortune
In being granted an elevation, lofty in status through it

١٩. اني اهنئ عن حبٍ سعادته
بمنحة دام في مسراه بعليها

20. A blessing that brought joy to all loved ones
Who profusely expressed thanks to its Granter

٢٠. ذي نعمةٌ سرت الاحباب قاطبة
وكلهم اطنبوا في شكر موليها

21. Abdul Hamid, whose brilliant history
Has been blessed with the highest rank for his family

٢١. عبد الحميد الذي تاريخه بهج
يمن بالرتبة الأولى لأهليها