1. A lament for the passing of eminent scholars is urged
And mention of their virtues is an obligatory duty
١. رثاء ذوي العلم الأجلة يندب
وذكر معاليهم إلى الفرض أوجب
2. He who gained renown throughout all the lands
And was held in high esteem by kings
٢. كمن شاع في كل الممالك فضله
وكان به عند الملوك يقرب
3. The perfect and famous Ahmad Faris
The virtuous and cultured gentleman
٣. هو الكامل المشهور احمد فارس
هو الفاضل المشكور والمتأدب
4. All people admire his eloquence
And proverbs are recited and coined about the likes of him
٤. أماثل كل الناس تهوى بيانه
وفي مثله الأمثال تتلى وتضرب
5. The bosom friend of the enlightened in every abode
The eminent native son of Lebanon
٥. خليل ذوي العرفان في كل موطن
جليل إلى لبنان يعزى وينسب
6. He excelled among his own people in his youth
And his excellence surpassed the best of the West
٦. لقد ساد في أهليه إذ هو يافع
وقد زاد في فضل حواء التغرب
7. So he journeyed to the people of the West and they honored him
And continued to revere him wherever he went
٧. فسار لأهل الغرب فاحتفلوا به
وداموا على اكرامه حيث يذهب
8. He came to the Abode of Felicity to dwell
And attained distinction and stature there
٨. وجاء إلى دار السعادة قاطناً
وقد ناله فيها فخار ومنصب
9. He built an enduring glory for the Shidyaq family
And did not forget those who were his friends before
٩. بنى لبني الشدياق مجداً مخلداً
ولم ينس من قد كان من قبل يصحب
10. He lived there until death came to him
As it comes to all mortals
١٠. فعاش بها حتى أتته وفاته
كما كان انسان له الموت مشرب
11. His knowledge was multifaceted
And it grieves us that he died and departed
١١. معارفه شتى ومن كان مثله
يعز علينا ان يموت ويصعب
12. But Allah's decree of death comes to us all
And there is no escape from what Allah has ordained
١٢. ولكن قضاء الله بالموت عمنا
وليس لنا مما قضى الله مهرب
13. And he who leaves behind the legacy of his virtues does not perish
And he had a fortunate son, cultured and refined
١٣. وما مات من تبقى مآثر فضله
وكان له نجل سعيد مهذب
14. Sublime in character, he took his father's place
Continuing what he did before he passed away
١٤. وذاك سليم الطبع قد قام بعده
بما كان منه قبل ان مات يرقب
15. He came to Lebanon soon thereafter
And was laid to rest in a grave bearing his name
١٥. وجاء إلى لبنان حالاً بحسبه
وآواه في قبرٍ به يتلقب
16. All the people gathered for his funeral procession
Thronging around it like a royal entourage
١٦. وسار جميع الناس في يوم دفنه
بمشهده حفلاً كما سار مؤكب
17. And in the Grand Mosque elegies were recited over his bier
Singing of his merits in lyrical verse
١٧. وفي الجامع الاعلى على النعش انشدت
مراث حسان عن مزاياه تعرب
18. We hope his son Slim will take his place
Satisfying his father and earning praise
١٨. وانا لنرجو ان يقوم سليمه
مقاماً به يرضي اباه ويعجب
19. Displaying merit and disseminating his books
So that his fine name endures and prospers
١٩. فيبدي له فضلاً وينشر كتبه
ليبقى له الذكر الجميل ويكسب
20. And perhaps the noble scion will surpass his noble line
As Slim is expected to accomplish
٢٠. ورب نجيب فاق في الفضل اصله
وذلك يرجى من سليم ويحسب
21. May he always succeed in virtuous deeds
And forever enjoy the height of glory as long as stars shine bright
٢١. فلا زال للفعل الجميل موفقاً
ودام بأوج العز ما ضاء كوكب