1. Do you understand what the south wind tells you?
Its language is nothing but gusts.
١. أتفهمُ ما تقولُ لكَ الجَنوبُ
وليسَ لسانَها إلاَّ الهبُوبُ
2. It says, I am the messenger to you in secret
With what my beloved has told me mouth to mouth.
٢. تقولُ أنا الرَّسولُ إليكَ سراً
بما قد كانَ شافهَني الحَبيبُ
3. I came and in my cloak is a conversation
That has a fragrance on my shoulder and is sweet.
٣. أَتيتُ ومنه في بُردي حديثٌ
له أرَجٌ على عِطفي وطيبُ
4. So I was filled and I said in my delight and drunkenness
You have come with that which gladdens hearts.
٤. فملتُ وقلتُ من طَربي وسُكري
أتيتَ بما تُسرُّ بهِ القلوبُ
5. Do you see that beloved who knows that when he is absent
Companionship is lost to me when he goes away?
٥. ترى ذاكَ الحبيبُ درَى بأنيِّ
يغيبُ الأُنس عنِّي مُذ يغيبُ
6. And that after him my life holds nothing for me
And no share of the joys of this world.
٦. وأنِّي بعدهَ في العيشِ مالي
ولا في لذَّة الدُّنيا نَصيبُ
7. I have been tested by him, the richest voice
That has wounds in every limb.
٧. بُليتُ به أغنَّ غريرَ طَرفٍ
لهُ في كلِّ جارحةٍ نُدوبُ
8. By the slender and fleet wild deer when it bounds
And what it nearly pierces with its shaft.
٨. مِنَ السُّمرِ الرِّشاقِ إذا تثنَّى
وماسَ يكادُ ينقذُّ القَضيبُ
9. In my heart because of him are excess sorrows and passion
I suffer from him what the doctor does not know.
٩. بقلبي منه فرطُ أَسىً ووجدٍ
أُعاني منهُ ما جهِلَ الطَّبيبُ
10. I say when my heart remembers him
Passion where there is a meadow and a hillock.
١٠. أقولُ إِذا تذكَّرهُ فُؤادي
هوىً حيثُ الأراكةُ والكَثيبُ