
For the likes of this day the tears are hoarded

لمثل اليوم تدخر الدموع

1. For the likes of this day the tears are hoarded,
And it bends over the agony of its ribs.

١. لمثل اليوم تدَّخرُ الدُّموع
وَتُحنَى فوقَ لوعتِها الضُّلوعُ

2. For fate has torn down the fortress of glories,
And so dissolved the spring of this world.

٢. فقَد هدمَ الرَّدى رَيعَ المَعالي
وَأَنحلَ هذهِ الدُّنيا ربيعُ

3. We saw in the Holy Place some tribulations,
Before it things to make one tremble.

٣. رَأينا في محلِّ القُدسِ فيهِ
مصائِبَ قَبلُ ما كانَت تَروعُ

4. Thursday we saw a visage of gloom,
Sublime in its sermons, sermons of obedience.

٤. أَرانا في الخَميسِ خَميسَ رُزءٍ
جَليلٍ خطبُهُ خَطبٌ فَطيعُ

5. Its night was unveiled from an ill-omened day,
Which fractured our group with those fissures.

٥. تَجلَّى ليلهُ عَن يومِ سَوءٍ
فصدَّعض شَملَنا ذاكَ الصُّدوعُ

6. Would that the night had continued and never unveiled
For it a dawn or defeat rushed the routed!

٦. فَلَيتَ اللَّيلَ دامَ ولا تَجلَّى
لَهُ صُبحٌ ولا انهزَمَ الهَزيعُ

7. Would that its stars had never shone in it
No setting, nor the sun rising!

٧. وَليتَ نُجومَه لا جالَ فيها
أُفولٌ لا ولا الشَّمسِ الطُّلوعُ

8. A morn more gloomy than darkest eve,
And a day whose appointed time was horrid.

٨. صباحٌ كانَ أَظلمَ مِن مَساءٍ
وَفجرٌ يَومهُ يَومٌ شَنيعُ

9. They gave Muhammad attributes, praisers
Before whom the deaf would hear and the mute give thanks.

٩. نَعت بمُحمَّدِ فيهِ نُعاةٌ
لَدَيها يَشكُرُ الصَّممَ السَّميعُ

10. A king such as glory is no intercessor for him,
Nor one toward bounty a mediator.

١٠. بِملكٍ لَم يَكُن في الَمجدِ شَفعاً
ولَيسَ إِليهِ في كَرمٍ شفيعُ

11. So not a day of dew for its loftiness is there any peer,
Nor a day of threshing-floor for it any like.

١١. فَلا يومَ النَّدى لعُلاهُ نِدٌّ
وَلا يومَ القراعِ لَهُ قريعُ

12. The sanctuaries of bounty were made lawful,
As inviolability's relationship was severed.

١٢. أُبيحَ حِمَى المكارمِ واستُحلَّت
مَحارمُها وَوَاصلَتِ القُطوعُ

13. Hamd's meadows being bought and sold openly,
Then where is the buyer and to whom are you selling?

١٣. أَبائعَ رُوقِ حَمدٍ نُح عليهِ
فَأَين الُمشتَري وَلمن تَبيعُ

14. And you, O mutineers against magnanimity, pitch
Your tents, and your rope-ties are not packed up.

١٤. وَأَنتُم يا بُغاةَ الجودِ حُطُّوا ال
رِّحالَ فلا تُشَدُّ لَها نُسوعُ

15. He who in both his hands had the Garden West-and-East has gone,
As in character Ja'far and al-Rabi'.

١٥. مَضى مَن كانَ في كِلتا يديهِ
وفي الأخلاق جَعفرُ و الرَّبيعُ

16. But still the Lord of mankind continues
To send from His angels hosts toward you.

١٦. ولكن لم يزل ربُّ البَرايا
يزورُكَ من مَلائكِهِ جُموعُ

17. Who see, while the nights run their course,
Prostration around your tomb or bowing.

١٧. يُرَونَ وهُم على مرِّ اللَّيالي
سُجودٌ حولَ قبركَ أو رُكوعُ

18. Worthy that I see my sadness lasting long,
And that such a loss continuously renews.

١٨. جديرٌ أن أَرى حُزني طويلاً
وَفَقدُكَ هكذا فَقدٌ سَريعُ