1. Why is your heart so enamored with the beauty
Of a gazelle toward the pastures of deer?
١. ما بالُ قَلبكَ مُولَعٌ بزَرُودِ
أَصبابَةً نحوض الظبَّاءِ الغِيدِ
2. If the breeze blows fragrant in the folds of air,
It spreads like the threads of outstretched rope.
٢. إن فاحَ في طَيِّ النَّسيم مُعطراً
نَشرٌ كَخُوطِ البانَةِ الأُملودِ
3. Do you justify the agony of unrequited love
And its troubles, like the bending shadow?
٣. أَتعلُّلٌ بلوى العَقيقِ وبَانِهِ
وبِرندِهِ وبِظلِّهِ الَممدودِ
4. For passion is sweetest when you taste it
Beyond any delightful and gentle wealth.
٤. تِه فالهَوَى أَحلى إِذا ما ذُقتهُ
مِن كُلِّ مَالٍ طارِفٍ وَتَليدِ
5. If not for passion the boughs of gardens
Would not sway like conversations and staffs.
٥. لَولا الهَوَى ما راحَ آسُ حَديقَةٍ
كَسَوالِفٍ وَغُصوُنُها كَقُدودِ
6. Whoever dies from arrowheads in battle
And not from a glance unjustly is no martyr.
٦. من ماتَ بالبيضِ الصِّفاحِ وَلم يَمُت
باللَّحظِ ظُلماً لم يكُن بشَهيدِ
7. And most delicious for the lover to find
Is with tears in separation and yearning.
٧. وأُلذُّ ما أَلفَ الُمحبُّ صَبابةً
بِمدامِعٍ في الهَجرِ بالتَّسهيدِ
8. And if you fell in love and no compassion
Came to you, then every envious heart would rejoice.
٨. وإذا هَويتَ ولم يرِقَّ من الضَّنى
لكَ في الصَّبابَةٍ قلبُ كلِّ حسودٍ
9. So leave passion to its people, for its lowly
Are like its noble, and its wretched like the happy.
٩. فَدَعِ الهَوَى لأُهليهِ فَذَليلُهُ
كَعزيزهِ وَشَقيُّهُ كَسَعيدِ