
If the cups had not revolved in his right hand

لو لم تدر بيمنيه الأقداح

1. If the cups had not revolved in his right hand,
The wind would have turned its eyes upon us.

١. لَو لَم تدر بيمنيهِ الأقداحُ
دارت بمقلته علينا الرَّاحُ

2. A moon for us from the beauty of his freshness,
And on his cheek the basil and apple.

٢. قمرٌ لنا من حسنِ نبتِ عذارهِ
وبخدِّهِ الرَّيحانُ والتُّفَّاحُ

3. O essence of my mouth, no exaggeration,
From the breaking of your eyelid, what hearts are healthy.

٣. يا جَوهريَّ الثَّغرِ لا ومُضاعفِ
من كسرِ جَفنكَ ما القُلوبُ صِحاحُ

4. The glances and intimacies did to us what
The swords and spears do not do.

٤. فعلت بنا الألحاظُ والأعطافُ ما
لا تفعلُ الأسيافُ والأرماحُ

5. You were excessive in denial, enough for me what my tears
And my affliction for you are permitted.

٥. أسرفتَ في الإعراضِ حسبُك ما دَمي
لكَ بالدَّلالِ وبالَملالِ مُباحُ

6. The beauty of your face, someone unattentive said,
“I shun and am aloof, you have no blame on me.”

٦. أجمالُ وجهكَ قالَ غيرَ مُراقَبٍ
اُهجرُ وصُدَّ فما عليكَ جُناحُ

7. Have pity on one with scattered torment,
Whose explanation falls short.

٧. عَطفاً على ذي لوعةٍ مبثوثةٍ
مُتاقصيرٍ عن شرحِها الإِيضاحُ

8. My heart is detailed with the perfection of passion,
And I think its state has no repair.

٨. قَلبي بتكملةِ الغَرامِ مُفصَّلٌ
وأظُنُّ ليسَ لحاله إصلاحُ

9. For your preserved beauty, but for your forehead,
My profligate eyelid is a sacrifice.

٩. لجمالكَ المنصورِ بل لجبينكَ ال
هادي فداءً جفنيَ السَّفاحُ

10. If I had not obeyed the cupbearer regarding you,
The advice would not have turned away from me to you.

١٠. لو لم اُطع فيكَ الصبَّابةَ ما انثنت
عنِّي بِعصياني لك النُّصَّاحُ

11. Estrangement from you paired sorrows with it,
And your pleasure paired joys with it.

١١. هُجرانكَ الأحزانث قد قرنَت به
ورِضاكَ قد قُرنت به الأفراحُ

12. The bodies suffered misfortune through you, except
Their spirits were blessed by the peace of loving you.

١٢. شقيت بكَ الأجسامُ إِلا أنَّها
سَعِدت براحةِ عِشقِكَ الأرواحُ