
Tell the scion of faith, the hoped for prince

قل لغرس الدين الأمير المرجى

1. Tell the scion of faith, the hoped for prince
Whose glory has no parallel

١. قُل لِغَرسِ الدِّينِ الأَميرِ الُمرَجَّى
وَالذي ما لِمَجدِهِ مِن مِثَالِ

2. O prince, ever triumphant in the field of battle
No dove, but a lion midst heroes

٢. يا أَميراً في مَوقفِ الحربِ ما زا
لَ حِماماً لِسائِرِ الأَبطالِ

3. O youth, whose rest on a day of trial
Is to gird himself with sword and at the foe to charge

٣. يا فتَىً راحَتاهُ يَومَ النَّدى أَه
مَى منَ الغَيثِ وَالحَيا بالنَّوالِ

4. God has singled you out for all that is virtuous
Till in you were combined all ideals

٤. خَصَّكَ اللهُ بالَمكارِمِ حَتَّى
جُمِعَت فيكَ سائِرُ الأَمثالِ

5. You are of a folk whose effort is ever sublime
Theirs are glory, pilgrimage, and high enterprise

٥. أَنتَ من مَعشَرٍ كِرامِ الَمساعي
لَهُمُ الَمجدُ والحِجا والَمعالي

6. He who is protected by your patronage
Fears not the blows of fate, O son of Ghazal

٦. ليسَ يخشَى صَرفَ الحوادثِ مَن لا
ذَ بمغنى حِماكَ يا بنَ غَزالِ

7. Your resolve in times of stress is more trenchant
Than damask blades or tall and slender spears

٧. لكَ عزمٌ يومَ الكريهةِ أمضى
مِن شَبا البِيضِ والرِّماحِ العوالي

8. A tradition of succour have you inaugurated
With qualities unmatched by any virtues

٨. سُنَّةٌ في النَّدى تفرَّدتَ فيها
بخصالٍ ما مثلُها من خِصالِ

9. With pride abundant, judgement right, constancy
Steadfastness, nobility and awe

٩. بفخارٍ جَمٍّ ورأيٍ سديدٍ
وثَباتٍ ورِفعةٍ وجلالِ

10. You have erased the deeds of whoso went before
With the succession of your ever-bounteous days

١٠. نسَخَت ذكرَ من تقدَّمَ بالإِن
عامِ أيَّامُ جُودكِ المتوالي

11. Then glory in sublimity, for you and those
Who gave you guidance are best of men

١١. فافتخِر بالعُلى فأنَت ومن أع
طاكَ فيها مُناكَ خيرُ الرِّجالِ

12. Live on, and greet what song-birds amid the branches
Warble at dawn in thickets blossoming

١٢. وابقَ واسلم ما غرَّدت ذاتُ طَوقٍ
سَحَراً في ذَوائبٍ من ضالِ