
If his promises were fulfilled for his lover

لو أنجزت لصبه وعوده

1. If his promises were fulfilled for his lover
He would not return from his affection

١. لَو أُنجزَت لصبِّهِ وُعُودهُ
لَما ذوي من الصُّدودِ عودُهُ

2. And if he had consoled the complaining one for his efforts
He would not have worked hard to distance him

٢. ولو رثى للمُشَتكي مَجهودَهُ
ما لَجَّ في إبعادهِ مَجهودهُ

3. He claims that his river of affection is eternal
And if he intensely deserted it, it would increase it

٣. يزعُمُ أنَّ نهرَ وجدي خالدٌ
ولو بِفرطِ هَجرهِ يَزيدهُ

4. But my patience has failed me in loving him
When his intimate one went astray

٤. أَما وَصبري خانَني في حُبِّهِ
أَمينُهُ لمَّا غَوى رَشيدُهُ

5. Indeed, my heart cannot withstand
The burning embers of passionate love cooling it

٥. إِنَّ فُؤادي فيهِ لا يقوى على
جَمرِ هوىً حميمُه جليدهُ

6. I ransom him for turning away
In the rhythm of his actions' composition

٦. فديتهُ من معرضٍ برز في
وزنِ عَروضِ فعلهِ تجويدهُ

7. His union is swift and easy
And his separation long and painful

٧. فَوَصلُهُ سريعُهُ خفُيفُه
وَهجرهُ طويلُهُ مديدهُ

8. Why do I see his eyelids overpowering me
Where my beloved and my pleasure are barren land

٨. مالي أرى أَجفانهُ قاهِرتي
حيثُ عزيزُ وَجنَتي صَعيدهُ

9. O judge who judges that he should judge for us
With the fires of love as his witnesses

٩. يا حاكماً قَضى بأَن يَقضي لنا
قلبي بنيرانِ الهوَى شُهودهُ

10. I knew when my body embraced him
No one else will repeat its intimacy

١٠. دريتُ جِسمي حينً كانَ شامِلاً
ضَناهُ إذ غيرَكَ لا يعُيدهُ

11. Far be it from you to forcefully reject
A heart that has become broken in pieces

١١. حاشاكَ أن تحملَ بالصَدِّ على
قَلبٍ غدا مُنكسراً عميدهُ