1. They perplex me wherever they went and pitched their tents
After parting, they camped and settled
١. همُ حيَّروني حيثُ ساروا يمَّموا
وحيثُ ثَوَوا بعدَ الفراقِ وخيَّموا
2. They captivated my heart and monopolized my sight
So my sleep is forbidden and my heart is surrendered
٢. سروا بفُؤادي واستقلُّوا بناظِري
فنَوميَ ممنوعٌ وقَلبي مُسلِّمث
3. If their beauty is like a spring to me every moment
Then my sleep in their love is forbidden
٣. إذا كانَ لي من حُسنِهم كُلَّ لحظةٍ
رَبِيعٌ فنومي في هَواهمُ مُحرَّمث
4. I kiss from them every breeze at dawn
That blows from their dwellings and comes from them
٤. أُقبِّلُ منهم في الصبَّا كُلَّ نفحةس
تَضوعُ برياهم وتصدرُ عنهمُ
5. And if a flash of lightning smiles upon the bright crooked lightning
I say the bending full moon has smiled
٥. وإن لاحَ لي برقٌ على أبرقِ الحمَى
أقولُ أُهيلُ الُمنحنَى قد تَبسَّموا
6. And if a gentle breeze from them reaches me
With a fragrance that I know, I say it is from them
٦. وإن واجهتني نفحةٌ مندليةٌ
لها أرجٌ تعتادُني قُلت مِنهمُ
7. And when we went forth to bid farewell and they unveiled
Faces to us that are full moons and stars
٧. وَلَمَّا برزنا للَوَداعِ وأبرَزُوا
وُجُوهاً لنا منها بُدوُرُ وأَنجُمُ
8. Then every eyelid began flowing with its tears on the morrow
And every tongue translating its passion for them
٨. غدا كُلُّ طرفٍ يستهلُّ بِدمعهِ
وكلُّ لسانٍ عن هواهُم يُترجمُ
9. So one who scattered the pearls of his speech
Beginning to pour tears in quantity and adorned
٩. فَمن ناثِرٍ منهمُ حَديثَ جُمانهِ
بَداً من سلوكِ الدَّمعِ وهوَ مُنظَّمُ
10. Another who held back a heart, almost revealing
What was hidden of love and concealed
١٠. ومن مَاسكٍ قَلباً تكادُ جُفونهُ
تبوحُ بما في الحُبِّ يخفَى ويُكتَمُ
11. Their company is still for me a heaven
And parting from them has never been hell
١١. فَوصلُهُمُ ما زالَ ليَ فيهِ جَنَّةٌ
وَهجرُهمُ لاَ كانَ يَوماً جهَنَّمُ