
If you had reined in lovers

لو رعيتم للعاشقين ذماما

1. If you had reined in lovers,
You would have sent dreams before imagination.

١. لو رعيتُم للعاشقينَ ذِماما
لبعثتُم قبلَ الخيالِ الَمناما

2. And you would have eulogized those who became enamored with you,
And the hearts' conquest grew exuberant and more daring.

٢. ورثيتُم لمن غدا في هواكم
والهَ القلبِ مُغرَماً مُستهاما

3. Whenever a leaf would bend, I bend to it a thousand times,
Each time passion is stirred anew.

٣. بنتمو فانثنيتُ إِلفاً لِوُرقٍ
كُلمَّا رجعَّت أهيجُ غَراما

4. I thought doves would heal me,
But the cooing of turtledoves left me sick at heart.

٤. كانَ ظنِّي أنَّ الحمائمَ تَشفي
فسقاني نَوحُ الحَمامِ الحِماما

5. Neither censuring critics that bitterly blame
Nor the days of your nearness forbade me from you.

٥. لا وأيَّامِ قُربِكم ما نَهاني
عنكُمُ عاذلٌ يُطيلُ الَملاما

6. Whenever one would say "Leave them be!" I said "Leave me be!"
May God never heal me of their disease!

٦. كلَّما قالَ دَعهمُ قلتُ دعني
لا شفَى اللهُ منهمُ لي سَقاما

7. O morning breeze, perchance you would convey
My greetings to the dunes of Banu Khuzam.

٧. يا نسيمَ الصَّبا لعَّلكَ تقرا
لي على بانةِ الكثيبِ السَّلاما

8. And on your return tell your coolness to carry
Fragrance of Khuzam's basil as you go.

٨. وإذا عدتَ قُل لبُردِكَ يحَمِل
فيهِ نشراً من طيبِ عرف الخُزامي

9. Blessed are you as a noble messenger
To a lovelorn one who spurns sleep.

٩. حبَّذا أنتَ مِن رسولٍ كريمٍ
لمشوقٍ أبى الهوَى أن يَناما

10. For God's sake, do not fail as a messenger.
Break off from further discussion on this.

١٠. هاتِ باللهِ لا عُدِمتَ رسولاً
فُضَّ عن ذلكَ الحديثِ الخِتاما

11. And repeat it time and again so you would see me
Quaffing deep from it as though 'twere wine.

١١. وأعِدهُ مكرَّراً لتراني
ثَمِلاً قد شربتُ منهُ مُداما

12. You, no doubt, advise me well, and yet
Perchance you would conceal this discourse if heard.

١٢. أنتَ لا شكَّ ناصحٌ لي ولكن
قد تَفي أن سمعتَ هذا الكَلاما