
After this day his heart will find sorrow

من بعد ذا اليوم يلقى قلبه أسفا

1. After this day his heart will find sorrow
Since he attained from his union what had passed

١. من بَعدِ ذا اليوم يَلقَى قَلبُه أَسَفا
مُذ نَالَ من وَصلِهِ بالجزعِ ما سَلَفا

2. He attained wishes, the shade of companionship was good for him
And the life of the bent-over one became good and green

٢. نالَ الُمنى وَصَفا ظلُّ الأُثيلِ لَهُ
وَطابَ واخضرَّ عيشُ الُمنحنَى وَصَفا

3. The nights of yearning and estrangement have passed
And the people of Najd were rescued by a tender lover

٣. وَلَّت ليالي القِلى والهَجرِ وانصَرَمت
وَأَنجدت أَهَلُ نَجدٍ مُغرَماً دَنِفا

4. The time of ardour was not miserly, and its lucky bird is
Auspicious in its atmosphere with the union it cheered for

٤. ما ضَنَّ عَصرُ الحمِىَ فالنَّجدُ طائِرُهُ ال
مَيمونُ في دَوحِهِ بالوَصلِ قَد هَتَفا

5. It will never ask the traveling group after it for news
Nor roam the slopes and ardours anxiously

٥. لا يَسأَلُ الرَّكبَ يوماً بَعدَها خَبَراً
ولا يجوبُ الثَّنايا والحِمَى كَلِفا

6. O passer of ruins do not turn, stand embarrassed
For the easiest turn was the day of the lowland it turned to

٦. يا مائِسَ البانِ لا تَعطِف وَقِف خَجِلاً
فَأَيسرُ العِطفِ يَومَ السَّفحِ قَد عَطَفا

7. And O eyes of the prolific, diminish for his glances have looked
His eyelids flowed and his eyelashes folded

٧. ويا عُيونَ الَمها غُضِّي فَقَد نَظَرت
أحداقُهُ وَسَلي أَجفانُهُ وَطَفا

8. And O dawn glow this is the dawn of his passion
Revealing joy, so why have you not come confessing

٨. ويا سَنا الفَجرِ هذا فَجرُ غُرَّتِهِ
يُبدي السَّناءَ فَهَلاَّ جِئتَ مُعترفَا

9. Fluttering, its fold never bent playfully
Except it increased upon the length of the course windingly

٩. مُهفهَفٌ ما انثنَت أَعطافُهُ مَرَحاً
إِلاَّ وَزادَت على طولِ الَمدى هَيَفا

10. It guides light to the full moon from its beauty
And with its tresses it clothes the darkness with curtains

١٠. يُهدي إِلى البَدرِ نُوراً من مَحاسِنهِ
وَمِن ذَوائبِهِ يَكسو الدُّجَى سَدَفا