
Had it not been for times gone by

لولا زمان سلفا

1. Had it not been for times gone by
My heart would not have felt sorrow

١. لولاَ زَمان سَلَفا
لَم يَشكُ قَلبي الأَسفا

2. And yet I was stirred
By a quarter that forgave my anguish

٢. وإنَّما هَيَّجني
رَبعٌ على الجزعِ عَفا

3. And the memory of those whose tears
Once flowed down my cheeks

٣. وذكرُ من دمعي بهم
على خُدودي قد نَفَى

4. It is enough that I loved them
My love for them is enough

٤. حسبي غراماً بهمُ
حسبي غرامي وكفَى

5. They said you loved one graceful
Yes, I loved one most graceful

٥. قالوا عَشقت أَهيفاً
نَعم عشقتُ أَهيفا

6. Adorned and well-attired
Collared and finely dressed

٦. مُمنطقَا مُقرَّطاً
مُطوَّقاً مُشنَّفا

7. With the arrows of his eyes
That pierced my heart with purpose

٧. لهُ سهامُ أعيُنِ
غادرنَ قلبي هَدفا

8. And I never intended
Except for Joseph my love

٨. وليس قصدي ابداً
في الحُبِّ إلا يُوسُفا

9. He made me lovesick so none but
His lips could heal me

٩. أمرضني فليسَ إلاَّ
شفتاهُ لي شِفا

10. His face shone like the moon
His waist swayed like a tender branch

١٠. كالبدرِ وجهاً مُشرقاً
والغُصنِ خصراً مُخطفا

11. It mattered not to me that for him
I woke each dawn lovelorn

١١. ما ضَرَّني أنِّي بهِ
أَصبحتُ صباً مُدنفَا