
And when he shot a glance from the bow of an eyebrow

ولما رمى باللحظ عن قوس حاجب

1. And when he shot a glance from the bow of an eyebrow
To the heart of a melting youth, had he but known what he did!

١. وَلمَّا رمَى باللَّحظِ عن قَوسِ حاجبٍ
إلى قَلبِ صبٍّ لو دَرَى إذ رَنا احتَجَب

2. He was shining of hue, and forward withal,
Yet fear had left him as gold beaten out into leaf.

٢. وَكانَ لُجيناً مُشرِقَ اللَّونِ فاغتدَى
وَقد تَرَكتهُ سَطوَةُ الخَوفِ كالذَّهب