1. That is their singer, so stop in his midst
And beware, then beware, the eyes of his eyes
١. هَذاكَ مغناهُم فقِف في بينهِ
وحذارِ ثُمَّ حذارِ أعيُنَ عينهِ
2. Do not be fooled by the languor of his sleepy eyes
For their languor is the seduction of temptation without him
٢. لا تَغترِر بفُتورِ أحداقِ الَمها
ففتورُها خَوضُ الرَّدى من دُونهِ
3. And on the right, from the polo grounds, a promise
I trusted his promise and his oath
٣. وعنِ اليمينِ من المضاربِ معهدٌ
لرشاً وثِقتُ بعهدهِ ويمينهِ
4. The belt of beauty quenches my thirst with health
My weak body with his belt and his eyelids
٤. خَصرُ الَّلمى يروي السَّقامَ بصحَّةٍ
جسمي الضَّعيفُ بخصرهِ وجُفونهِ
5. A moon I went astray with his mole and his hair
But I was guided by his mouth and his forehead
٥. قمرٌ ضللتُ بخالِه وبشَعرهِ
لكن هُديتُ بثغرهِ وجبينهِ
6. The moons of darkness tremble from his light
And the branches of palms are jealous of his softness
٦. ترتاعُ أقمارُ الدُّجا من نُورهِ
وتغارُ أغصانُ النَّقا من لينهِ
7. I entrusted him with my heart and I know
I foolishly entrusted him to an untrustworthy keeper
٧. أودعتُه قلبي وأعلمُ أنني
أودعتُه سَفَهاً لغيرِ أمينهِ
8. O day when the sunset is not the first lover
Whose secrets were revealed by the sunset of his affairs
٨. يا يومَ غُرَّبَ لستُ أوَّلَ عاشقٍ
هتَكت سرائرهُ غُروبُ شُؤنِه
9. How much in suspicions is there of many suspicions
That did not inherit the youth his passion and his sorrows
٩. كم في الظَّعائنِ من كثيرٍ ضَغائنٍ
لم يَرثِ للصَّبِّ الشَّجي وشُجونِهِ
10. Smiling from his mouth about a precious
Substance my soul is a ransom for his preciousness
١٠. متبسِّمٍ من ثغرهِ عن جَوهرٍ
متنضِّدٍ روحي فداءُ ثمينهِ
11. His love preoccupies the comfortable indulgent from
His world and revives the gloom from his religion
١١. يُلهي هواهُ المترفَ المرتاحَ عن
دُنياهُ والُمحيي الدُّجا عن دينِهِ