
If I had a day when eloquent tongues were independent

لو كان لي يوم استقلوا لسان

1. If I had a day when eloquent tongues were independent
I would call friends gently with fine advice

١. لو كانَ لي يومَ استقلُّوا لِسان
ناديتُ رِفقاً بالمِلاحِ الحِسان

2. But desire complained about me with tears
I did not gain from them except humiliation

٢. لكن شكت عنِّي الهوَى أدمُعٌ
ما ظفِرت منهم بغير الهوان

3. I asked her to improve my state, perhaps
She would strive to improve it no matter what

٣. سَألتُها إِصلاحَ حالي عسى
تجهَدُ في إصلاحهِ كيفَ كان

4. Foolishness from me, else when
Did wishes gain what interpreters gained?

٤. سفاهةً مني وإلاَّ متى
نالَ المنى من دمعُهُ التُّرجُمان

5. Her expression did not express any passion from me
If I complained about it to a rock, it would soften

٥. ما عبَّرت عبرتُها عن جوىً
لو بتُّ أشكوهُ إلى الصَّخرِ لان

6. So no tenderness for tenderness where
Their eyelids did not give safety to mine

٦. فلا رقَت من أرقٍ حيثُ لم
تأخُذ لجَفني من جَفاهُم أَمان

7. And in the tents of the neighborhood I harbored harbored
My tenderness, tender of finger gentle branch

٧. وفي خِيامِ الحَي أحوَى حوَى
رِقِّيِ لهُ كفٌّ رقيقُ البَنَان

8. Delight of compassion on the edge of his mouth
And his utterance and his gentle glance

٨. نشوانُ عِطفٍ في لَمى ثغرِهِ
وَلفظِه والطَّرفِ بنتُ الدِّنان

9. I sufficed with a cup like reddish wine
Soft and cheek of youthful red blood

٩. أقنى بقَدَّ مثلِ سُمرِ القَنا
ليناً وخدِّ من دمِ الصَّب قان

10. When he appeared, desired, bent over
Full moon of darkness, gazelle of brightness, bending branch

١٠. إذا تجلَّى ورَنا وانثنَى
بدرُ دُجاً ريمُ نقاً غُصنُ بان

11. I settled in my heart an inferno and who
Does wrong will be in the fire, not in paradise

١١. أُسكنَ من قلبي جحيماً ومن
يظلم يكن في النَّارِ لا في الجِنان

12. Books of passion narrate about me
Not what so-and-so narrated about so-and-so

١٢. عنِّي تروي فيه كُتبُ الهوَى
لا ما رَواهُ عن فُلانٍ فُلان