
I love the righteous, though I am not of them

أحب الصالحين ولست منهم

1. I love the righteous, though I am not of them,
Hoping that through them I might gain intercession.

١. أُحبُّ الصَّالحينَ وَلَستُ مِنهمُ
رَجاءً أَن أَنالَ بِهم شِفَاعَه

2. And I hate those who bear the traces of disobedience,
Even if we are equal in merchandise.

٢. وَأُبغضُ مَن بِهِ أَثَرُ الَمعاصي
وإِن كُنَّا سَواءً في البِضاعَة