
In the night his cheek's radiance guides me,

إن هداني في الليل عنبر خاله

1. In the night his cheek's radiance guides me,
Its charm I cannot evade.

١. إن هداني في اللَّيلِ عَنبرُ خَالِه
ثَغرهُ لا محيدَ لي عن زُلالِه

2. Or lightning from the clouds makes me see
His eyes with pouring tears inundated.

٢. أو أراني برقُ الثَّنايا لَمُوعاً
شِمتُهُ بالمدامعِ الهطَّاله

3. Though the full moon may decrease, its essence
Stays perfect, nothing subtracted.

٣. بدرُ تمِّ إن ينقُصِ البَدرُ لا ين
قُصُ شيءٌ من حُسنهِ وَكَمالِه

4. His posture sways not except to humble
The bending boughs with grace saturated.

٤. ما انثَنى قدُّهُ وما ماسَ إِلاَّ
أَخجَلَ الغُصنَ من تَثَنِّي دَلاِله

5. His cheek took all the beauty, and my heart
He overwhelmed with his disdain belated.

٥. عمَّهُ خالُهُ جَمالاً وَقَد خَصَّ
فؤادي بهَجرهِ وَمَلالِه

6. Would that when to my heart his aloofness dealt
He had also given union elated!

٦. لَيتَهُ إِذ أَذاقَ قلبي هجراً
جادَ يوماً لهُ بطيبِ وصَالِه

7. Say to him, my love, be gentle with
A doting lover whom you dominated.

٧. قُل لهُ يا حبيبُ رِفقاً بِصَبِّ
عَاشِقٍ قَد سَكنتَ بالي وَبَاله

8. Inherit from a doter whom fate
Has never let his plaints be placated.

٨. وارثِ للعاشِقِ الذي لا يرَاهُ ال
دَّهرُ يوماً يُصغي إِلى عُذالِه

9. For his estrangement I make sleep a duty,
Hoping to be blessed with his specter created.

٩. فَلِهِجرانِهِ أَرى النَّومَ فرضاً
فَلَعلِّي أحظَى بِطَيفِ خَيالِه